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Arizadayana Zahalan, Samila Mat Zali, Ernie Che Mid, Noor Fazliana Fadzail,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (Special Issue on the 1st International Conference on ELECRiS 2024 Malaysia - June 2025)

Photovoltaic (PV) systems are vital in the global renewable energy landscape because of their capability to harness solar energy efficiently. Ensuring the continuous and efficient operation of PV systems is crucial in maximizing their energy contribution. However, these systems' reliability and safety remain critical because they are prone to various faults, mainly when operating in harsh environmental conditions. This study addresses these issues by exploring fault detection and classification in PV arrays using neural network (NN) -based techniques. A PV array model, consisting of 3x6 PV modules, was simulated using MATLAB Simulink to replicate real-world conditions and analyse various fault scenarios. An open circuit, a short circuit, and a degrading fault are the three types of faults considered in this study. The NN was trained on a dataset generated from the MATLAB Simulink model, encompassing normal operating and fault conditions. This training enables the network to learn the distinctive patterns associated with each fault type, enhancing its detection accuracy and classification capabilities. Simulation results demonstrate that the NN-based approach effectively identifies and classifies the three types of faults.
Noor Fazliana Fadzail, Samila Mat Zali, Ernie Che Mid,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (Special Issue on the 1st International Conference on ELECRiS 2024 Malaysia - June 2025)

The activation function has gained popularity in the research community since it is the most crucial component of the artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm. However, the existing activation function is unable to accurately capture the value of several parameters that are affected by the fault, especially in wind turbines (WT). Therefore, a new activation function is suggested in this paper, which is called the double sigmoid activation function to capture the value of certain parameters that are affected by the fault. The fault detection in WT with a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is the basis for the ANN algorithm model that is presented in this study. The ANN model was developed in different activation functions, namely linear and double sigmoid activation functions to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed activation function. The findings indicate that the model with a double sigmoid activation function has greater accuracy than the model with a linear activation function. Moreover, the double sigmoid activation function provides an accuracy of more than 82% in the ANN algorithm. In conclusion, the simulated response demonstrates that the proposed double sigmoid activation function in the ANN model can effectively be applied in fault detection for DFIG based WT model. 

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