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Showing 4 results for Zahiri

S. H. Zahiri, H. Rajabi Mashhadi, S. A. Seyedin,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (July 2005)

The concepts of robust classification and intelligently controlling the search process of genetic algorithm (GA) are introduced and integrated with a conventional genetic classifier for development of a new version of it, which is called Intelligent and Robust GA-classifier (IRGA-classifier). It can efficiently approximate the decision hyperplanes in the feature space. It is shown experimentally that the proposed IRGA-classifier has removed two important weak points of the conventional GA-classifiers. These problems are the large number of training points and the large number of iterations to achieve a comparable performance with the Bayes classifier, which is an optimal conventional classifier. Three examples have been chosen to compare the performance of designed IRGA-classifier to conventional GA-classifier and Bayes classifier. They are the Iris data classification, the Wine data classification, and radar targets classification from backscattered signals. The results show clearly a considerable improvement for the performance of IRGA-classifier compared with a conventional GA-classifier.
S. M. Ejabati, S. H. Zahiri,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (June 2020)

In this paper, a general framework was presented to boost heuristic optimization algorithms based on swarm intelligence from static to dynamic environments. Regarding the problems of dynamic optimization as opposed to static environments, evaluation function or constraints change in the time and hence place of optimization. The subject matter of the framework is based on the variability of the number of algorithm individuals and the creation of feasible subspaces appropriate to environmental conditions. Accordingly, to prevent early convergence along with the increasing speed of local search, the search space is divided with respect to the conditions of each moment into subspaces labeled as focused search area, and focused individuals are recruited to make search for it. Moreover, the structure of the design is in such a way that it often adapts itself to environmental condition, and there is no need to identify any change in the environment. The framework proposed for particle swarm optimization algorithm has been implemented as one of the most notable static optimization and a new optimization method referred to as ant lion optimizer. The results from moving peak benchmarks (MPB) indicated the good performance of the proposed framework for dynamic optimization. Furthermore, the positive performance of practices was assessed with respect to real-world issues, including clustering for dynamic data.

N. Sayyadi Shahraki, S. H. Zahiri,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (June 2020)

In this paper, we propose an efficient approach to design optimization of analog circuits that is based on the reinforcement learning method. In this work, Multi-Objective Learning Automata (MOLA) is used to design a two-stage CMOS operational amplifier (op-amp) in 0.25μm technology. The aim is optimizing power consumption and area so as to achieve minimum Total Optimality Index (TOI), as a new and comprehensive proposed criterion, and also meet different design specifications such as DC gain, Gain-Band Width product (GBW), Phase Margin (PM), Slew Rate (SR), Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR), Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR), etc. The proposed MOLA contains several automata and each automaton is responsible for searching one dimension. The workability of the proposed approach is evaluated in comparison with the most well-known category of intelligent meta-heuristic Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) methods such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Inclined Planes system Optimization (IPO), Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO) and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II). The performance of the proposed MOLA is demonstrated in finding optimal Pareto fronts with two criteria Overall Non-dominated Vector Generation (ONVG) and Spacing (SP). In simulations, for the desired application, it has been shown through Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tool that MOLA-based solutions produce better results.

A. Saffari, S. H. Zahiri, M. Khishe,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (March 2022)

In this paper, multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP-NN) training is used by the grasshopper optimization algorithm with the tuning of control parameters using a fuzzy system for the big data sonar classification problem. With proper tuning of these parameters, the two stages of exploration and exploitation are balanced, and the boundary between them is determined correctly. Therefore, the algorithm does not get stuck in the local optimization, and the degree of convergence increases. So the main aim is to get a set of real sonar data and then classify real sonar targets from unrealistic targets, including noise, clutter, and reverberation, using GOA-trained MLP-NN developed by the fuzzy system. To have accurate comparisons and prove the GOA performance developed with fuzzy logic (called FGOA), nine benchmark algorithms GOA, GA, PSO, GSA, GWO, BBO, PBIL, ES, ACO, and the standard backpropagation (BP) algorithm were used. The measured criteria are concurrency speed, ability to avoid local optimization, and accuracy. The results show that FGOA has the best performance for training datasets and generalized datasets with 96.43% and 92.03% accuracy, respectively.

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