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M. Ajoudani, A. Sheikholeslami, A. Zakariazadeh,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2020)

The development of communications and telecommunications infrastructure, followed by the extension of a new generation of smart distribution grids, has brought real-time control of distribution systems to electrical industry professionals’ attention. Also, the increasing use of distributed generation (DG) resources and the need for participation in the system voltage control, which is possible only with central control of the distribution system, has increased the importance of the real-time operation of distribution systems. In real-time operation of a power system, what is important is that since the grid information is limited, the overall grid status such as the voltage phasor in the buses, current in branches, the values of loads, etc. are specified to the grid operators. This can occur with an active distribution system state estimation (ADSSE) method. The conventional method in the state estimation of an active distribution system is the weighted least squares (WLS) method. This paper presents a new method to modify the error modeling in the WLS method and improve the accuracy SVs estimations by including load variations (LVs) during measurement intervals, transmission time of data to the information collection center, and calculation time of the state variables (SVs), as well as by adjusting the variance in the smart meters (SM). The proposed method is tested on an IEEE 34-bus standard distribution system, and the results are compared with the conventional method. The simulation results reveal that the proposed approach is robust and reduces the estimation error, thereby improving ADSSE accuracy compared with the conventional methods.

A. Fattahi, S. Emadi,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2020)

Increased popularity of digital media and image editing software has led to the spread of multimedia content forgery for various purposes. Undoubtedly, law and forensic medicine experts require trustworthy and non-forged images to enforce rights. Copy-move forgery is the most common type of manipulation of digital images. Copy-move forgery is used to hide an area of the image or to repeat a portion in the same image. In this paper, a method is presented for detecting copy-move forgery using the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm. The spearman relationship and ward clustering algorithm are used to measure the similarity between key-points, also to increase the accuracy of forgery detection. This method is invariant to changes such as rotation, scale change, deformation, and light change; it falls into the category of blind forgery detection methods. The experimental results show that with its high resistance to apparent changes, the proposed method correctly detects 99.56 percent of the forged images in the dataset and reveals the forged areas.

H. Shayeghi, A. Younesi,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2020)

The main objective of this paper is to model and optimize the parallel and relatively complex FuzzyP+FuzzyI+FuzzyD (FP+FI+FD) controller for simultaneous control of the voltage and frequency of a micro-grid in the islanded mode. The FP+FI+FD controller has three parallel branches, each of which has a specific task. Finally, as its name suggests, the final output of the controller is derived from the algebraic summation of the outputs of these three branches. Combining the basic features of a simple PID controller with fuzzy logic that leads to an adaptive control mechanism, is an inherent characteristic of the FP+FI+FD controller. This paper attempts to determine the optimal control gains and Fuzzy membership functions of the FP+FI+FD controller using an improved Salp swarm algorithm (ISSA) to achieve its optimal dynamic response. The time-domain simulations are carried out in order to prove the superb dynamic response of the proposed FP+FI+FD controller compared to the PID control methods. In addition, a multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) stability analysis is performed to ensure the robust control characteristic of the proposed parallel fuzzy controller.

A. Pathak,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2020)

It is very difficult and expensive to replace sensor node battery in wireless sensor network in many critical conditions such as bridge supervising, resource exploration in hostile locations, and wildlife safety, etc. The natural choice in such situations is to maximize network lifetime. One such approach is to divide the sensing area of wireless sensor network into clusters to achieve high energy efficiency and to prolong network lifetime. In this paper, an Artificial Bee Colony Inspired Clustering Solution (ABCICS) is introduced. The proposed protocol selects the head of the cluster with optimal fitness function. The fitness function comprises the residual energy of node, node degree, node centrality, and distance from base station to node. When cluster-head with high energy node transmits the data to the base station, it further minimizes the energy consumption of the sensor network. The presented protocol is compared with LEACH, HSA-PSO, and MHACO-UC. Simulation experiments show the effectiveness of our approach to enhance the network lifetime.

T. Ahmadzadeh, E. Babaei, M. Sabahi, T. Abedinzadeh,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2020)

The main purposes of a transformerless grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system consist of the reduction of leakage current, extraction of maximum power point (MPP), tracking of MPP (MPPT), controlling the active and reactive powers, and having the unity power factor. To achieve the above-mentioned aims, the following actions have been performed in this paper. First of all, a brief analysis of the transformerless PV system has been done by using the conventional full-bridge (FB) topologies with two bipolar and unipolar PWM techniques. Then, an effective solution has been also introduced to significantly reduce the leakage current in the conventional H5 FB topology. Moreover, a proper control method has been proposed by using the combination of the fractional open-circuit voltage (FOCV) and the model predictive control (MPC) strategies to extract the MPP from PV panels, control the injection of the reactive power to the gird and have the unity power factor. At last, the simulation results performed in PSCAD software will be used to prove the correct performance of the proposed control method in the improved H5 FB topology.

S. M. Razavi, S. M. Razavi,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2020)

The Markov random field (MRF) theory has been accepted as a highly effective framework for designing noise-tolerant nanometer digital VLSI circuits. In MRF-based design, proper feedback lines are used to control noise and keep the circuits in their valid states. However, this methodology has encountered two major problems that have limited the application of highly noise immune MRF-based circuits. First, excessive hardware overhead that imposes a great cost, power consumption and propagation delay on the circuits and second, separate implementation of feedback lines that adds further delay to the circuits. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for minimal-cost inherent-feedback implementation of low-power MRF-based logic gates. The simulation results, which are based on 32nm BSIM4 models, demonstrate that besides excellent noise immunity of the proposed method, it has the least propagation delay in comparison with all of the previously reported MRF-based gates due to its inherent feedbacks. In addition, the proposed method outperforms competing ones, which have comparable noise immunity, in other circuit metrics like cost and power consumption. Specifically, the proposed method achieves at least 18%, 29%, and 39% reductions in cost, delay and power consumption with considerable noise immunity improvement compared with competing methods.

S. M. Zabihi, H. Ghanei-Yakhdan, N. Mehrshad,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2020)

In order to enhance the accuracy of the motion vector (MV) estimation and also reduce the error propagation issue during the estimation, in this paper, a new adaptive error concealment (EC) approach is proposed based on the information extracted from the video scene. In this regard, the motion information of the video scene around the degraded MB is first analyzed to estimate the motion type of the degraded MB. If the neighboring MBs possess uniform motion, the degraded MB imitates the behavior of neighboring MBs by choosing the MV of the collocated MB. Otherwise, the lost MV is estimated through the second proposed EC technique (i.e., IOBMA). In the IOBMA, unlike the conventional boundary matching criterion-based EC techniques, not only each boundary distortion is evaluated regarding both the luminance and the chrominance components of the boundary pixels, but also the total boundary distortion corresponding to each candidate MV is calculated as the weighted average of the available boundary distortions. Compared with the state-of-the-art EC techniques, the simulation results indicate the superiority of the proposed EC approach in terms of both the objective and subjective quality assessments.

R. Pinto,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2020)

Multiplication is a basic operation in any signal processing application. Multiplication is the most important one among the four arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, and division. Multipliers are usually hardware intensive, and the main parameters of concern are high speed, low cost, and less VLSI area. The propagation time and power consumption in the multiplier are always high. The multiplier speed usually determines the speed of the processor. Hence in this work, a design of a 32-bit multiplier is proposed by modifying the conventional shift-add multiplier. The proposed structure reduces the power consumed by the technique of minimizing the switching activities in the design. A 32-bit parallel prefix adder based on the modified Ling equation is also proposed to speed up the addition of the partial products in the multiplier. The design is modeled in VHDL and implementation is carried out in CADENCE software with 90 nm and 180 nm CMOS technology.

A. Rajabi, H. Lexian,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2021)

One of the important requirements in projectiles is to design a power supply for fuse consumption. In this study, an optimum design for the power supply, which includes a Miniaturized Inertia Generator (MIG), was introduced. The main objective of this research was to optimize the dimensions of the MIG with the aim of increasing energy. To achieve this, the design of experiment (DOE) was carried out through RSM-BBD to optimize six parts of the MIG. Numerical simulations were performed using Maxwell’s software. After analyzing of results by ANOVA and extracting the optimum result from the RSM, a Miniaturized Inertia Generator was fabricated with optimum dimensions. The results showed that the MIG with optimum dimensions at an acceleration of 800’g could generate 15.25V and stores the generated energy using an RLC circuit within 1ms. The experimental results which were obtained by the shock test system showed that 14.75V was charged on a capacitor within 1.1ms which has good conformity with the numerical results. The results indicated that the proposed design not only increased the MIG efficiency, but also determined the effect of each parameter on the produced energy and efficiency.

S. Badalkhani, R. Havangi,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Even when simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) solutions have been broadly developed, the vast majority of them relate to a single robot performing measurements in static environments. Researches show that the performance of SLAM algorithms deteriorates under dynamic environments. In this paper, a multi-robot simultaneous localization and mapping (MR-SLAM) system is implemented within a dynamic environment. A probabilistic approach based on extended Kalman filter (EKF) is proposed to detect moving landmarks and consequently improve the performance of SLAM in dynamic environments. The expected landmark area (ELA) is introduced. This concept allows identifying and filtering the moving landmarks. Several experiments are performed varying the speed and number of moving landmarks within the environment to investigate the effect of dynamism level and landmark speed on. The root mean square error (RMSE) is used as a form of measuring the performance of the algorithm. Results show moving landmarks, degrade the performance of classical EKF-SLAM. However, the proposed method is robust to environmental changes and is less affected by the increasing speed of the moving landmarks.

A. Mirsamadi, Y. Damchi, M. Assili,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Power systems should have acceptable reliability in order to operate properly. Highly available and dependable protective relays help to obtain the desirable reliability. The relays should be periodically evaluated during specific intervals to achieve the mentioned characteristics. The Routine Test Interval (RTI) should be optimized in order to economically maximize the reliability of the protection system. The failure rate of the relays plays a vital role in determination of the Optimum Routine Test Interval (ORTI). Human error is one of the effective factors in the failure rate of the relays. Therefore, in this paper, a Markov model is proposed to investigate the impact of human error on the failure rate and the ORTI of the protection system. The model is applied for the protection system of power transformer. The obtained results indicated that human error has a significant impact on the increase of protection system failure, the decrease of the desired reliability indices, and the reduction of ORTI of the protection system.

M. Khalaj-Amirhosseini,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Linear and planar antenna arrays are synthesized to have maximum directivity for a specified sidelobe level. The directivity is maximized subject to a given SLL. The beamwidth and the zeros of array factor are studied as well as the directivity. Maximum directivity-arrays are compared through some examples with super-directive, uniform, Dolph-Chebyshev and Riblet-Chebychev arrays to find a complete definition of optimum arrays. Also, the optimum value of n-bar is intuitively found for Taylor arrays.

A. Jabbari, F. Dubas,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2021)

In this paper, we present a mathematical model for determining the optimal radius of the iron pole shape in spoke-type permanent-magnet (PM) machines (STPMM) in order to minimize the pulsating torque components. The proposed method is based on the formal resolution of the Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations in a Cartesian pseudo-coordinate system with respect to the relative permeability effect of iron core in a subdomain model. The effect of PM width on the optimal radius of the iron pole has been investigated. In addition, for initial and optimal machines, the effect of the iron core relative permeability on the STPMM performances was studied at no-load and on-load conditions considering three certain PM widths. Moreover, the effect of iron pole shape on pulsating torque components with respect to certain values of iron core relative permeability was studied by comparing cogging torque, ripple and reluctance torque waveforms. In order to validate the results of the proposed analytical model, three motors with different PM widths were considered as case studies and their performance results were compared analytically and numerically. Two prototype spoke-type machines were fabricated and the experimental results were compared to analytical results. It can be seen that the analytical modeling results are consistent with the numerical analysis and experimental results.

F. Askari, A. Khoshkholgh,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2021)

The battery of electric vehicles (EV) can be charged from the power grid or discharged back to it. Parking lots can aggregate hundreds of EVs which makes them a significant and flexible load/generation component in the grid. In a smart grid environment, the smart parking lot (SPL) can benefit from the situation of the simultaneous connection to the EVs and power grid. This paper proposes a new algorithm to maximize SPL profit from participation in the forward and spot markets. Monte-Carlo simulation is used to determine the participation of the SPL in the forward market. Then an economic model is proposed to optimize the charging or discharging time table of EVs at any hours of a day and SPL participation in the spot market in a way that maximum SPL profit and satisfaction of EV owners can be gained. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to solve this optimization problem.

M. Ahmadi Jirdehi, V. Sohrabi-Tabar,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Control center of modern power system utilizes state estimation as an important function. In such structures, voltage phasor of buses is known as state variables that should be determined during operation. To specify the optimal operation of all components, an accurate estimation is required. Hence, various mathematical and heuristic methods can be applied for the mentioned goal. In this paper, an advanced power system state estimator is presented based on the adaptive neuro-fuzzy interface system. Indeed, this estimator uses advantages of both artificial neural networks and fuzzy method simultaneously. To analyze the operation of estimator, various scenarios are proposed including impact of load uncertainty and probability of false data injection as the important issues in the electrical energy networks. In this regard, the capability of false data detection and correction are also evaluated. Moreover, the operation of presented estimator is compared with artificial neural networks and weighted least square estimators. The results show that the adaptive neuro-fuzzy estimator overcomes the main drawbacks of the conventional methods such as accuracy and complexity as well as it is able to detect and correct the false data more precisely. Simulations are carried out on IEEE 14-bus and 30-bus test systems to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.

S. Abolmaali,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Area reduction of a circuit is a promising solution for decreasing the power consumption and the chip cost. Timing constraints should be preserved after a delay increase of resized circuit gates to guarantee proper circuit operation. Sensitization of paths should also be considered in timing analysis of circuit to prevent pessimistic resizing of circuit gates. In this work, a greedy area reduction algorithm is proposed which is path-based and benefits well from viability analysis as the sensitization method. A proper metric based on viability conditions is presented to guide the algorithm towards selecting useful circuit nodes to be resized with acceptable performance and area reduction results. Instead of using gate slacks in resizing the candidate gates, all circuit gates are down-sized first and then the sizes of circuit gates that violate the circuit timing constraint are increased. This approach leads to considerable improvement in the complexity and performance of the proposed method. Results show that area improvement of about 88% is achievable. Comparison to a pessimistic method also reveals that on average 14.2% growth in area improvement is obtained by the presented method.

F. Rezaee-Alam, B. Rezaeealam, S. M. M. Moosavi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Poor modeling of air-gap is the main defect of conventional magnetic equivalent circuit (CMEC) model for performance analysis of electric machines. This paper presents an improved magnetic equivalent circuit (IMEC) which considers all components of air-gap permeance such as the mutual permeances between stator and rotor teeth, and the leakage permeances between adjacent stator teeth and adjacent rotor teeth in the air-gap. Since the conformal mapping (CM) method can accurately take into account the air-gap region, IMEC gets help from the CM method for calculating the air-gap permeance components. Therefore, the obtained model is a hybrid analytical model, which can accurately take into account the magnetic saturation in iron parts by using the CMEC, and the real paths of fringing flux, leakage flux, and the main flux in the air-gap by using the CM method. For a typical wound rotor induction motor, the accuracy of the results obtained by IMEC is verified by comparing them with the corresponding results determined through CMEC, improved conformal mapping (ICM), finite element method (FEM), and the experiment results.

M. Mohiti, S. Sabzevari, P. Siano,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Islanding detection is essential for reliable and safe operation of systems with distributed generations (DG). In systems with multiple DGs, the interaction between DGs can make the islanding detection process more challenging. To address this concern, this paper proposes a two-stage islanding detection method for power systems equipped with multiple-DGs through estimation of high frequency impedance (Zf) and determination of the total harmonic distortion (THD). The impedances of the DGs are estimated at distinct frequencies to avoid interval overlaps. The concept of different frequency bands makes the proposed method applicable to multiple DG systems. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, a test system with multiple DGs is simulated through several case studies in PSCAD/EMTDC. The simulation results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed islanding detection method in both single and multi-DG systems. It is also shown that the proposed method remains robust under different operating conditions and events.

H. Hamdoun, S. Nazir, J. A. Alzubi, P. Laskot, O. A. Alzubi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2021)

High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is the latest video encoding standard that achieves much better compression efficiency compared to the earlier encoding standards. Satellite channels have a long round trip time (RTT) making it difficult to use packet acknowledgments. Real-time video streaming applications preclude such packet acknowledgments in satellite networks due to strict delay constraints.  We propose a combined use of Turbo Coding (TC) and Network Coding (NC) techniques to achieve better video quality over the noisy satellite links using UDP at the transport layer. We evaluate the performance improvement of turbo network coding (TNC-UDP) over the traditional turbo-coded (TC-UDP) protocol for HEVC video streaming in satellite networks. The simulation results show that compared to TC-UDP, the proposed scheme achieves PSNR improvements ranging from 14-20 dB for poor channel conditions (1-2 dB) for the two selected video sequences.

M. Ghotbi-Maleki, R. Mohammadi Chabanloo,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (12-2021)

Expansion of power system causes short-circuit currents (SCC) of networks to exceed the tolerable SCCs of equipment. The utilization of fault current limiter (FCL) in such networks is needed to address this issue. This paper presents a new method for optimal allocation of FCLs to restrain the SCCs under permissible value. In this method, it is suggested to select a line as FCL location where the addition of FCL to this line will have the greatest impact on reducing the SCC of buses which their SCCs exceed the permissible value (known as exceeded buses). Since the optimization algorithms are not capable for optimal allocation of FCL especially in large networks, therefore, the proposed FCL allocation method is presented in the form of a computational process. In this computational process, the candidate lines for FCL location are firstly prioritized by a new index based on the effect of location of FCL on the reduction of SCCs. Then, the FCL size is determined by solving a quadratic equation firstly presented in this paper. The proposed method is implemented on networks with different sizes, and the obtained results show the performance of the proposed method over previous FCL allocation methods.

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