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Ali Ghaffari, Mohammad Reza Homaeinezhad, Yashar Ahmadi, Mostafa Rahnavard,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2009)

In this study, a mathematical model is developed based on algebraic equations which is capable of generating artificially normal events of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals such as P-wave, QRS complex, and T-wave. This model can also be implemented for the simulation of abnormal phenomena of electrocardiographic signals such as ST-segment episodes (i.e. depression, elevation, and sloped ascending or descending) and repolarization abnormalities such as T-Wave Alternans (TWA). Event parameters such as amplitude, duration, and incidence time in the conventional ECG leads can be a good reflective of heart electrical activity in specific directions. The presented model can also be used for the simulation of ECG signals on torso plane or limb leads. To meet this end, the amplitude of events in each of the 15-lead ECG waveforms of 80 normal subjects at MIT-BIH Database ( are derived and recorded. Various statistical analyses such as amplitude mean value, variance and confidence intervals calculations, Anderson-Darling normality test, and Bayesian estimation of events amplitude are then conducted. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) model has also been incorporated to this model with HF/LF and VLF/LF waves power ratios. Eventually, in order to demonstrate the suitable flexibility of the presented model in simulation of ECG signals, fascicular ventricular tachycardia (left septal ventricular tachycardia), rate dependent conduction block (Aberration), and acute Q-wave infarctions of inferior and anterior-lateral walls are finally simulated. The open-source simulation code of above abnormalities will be freely available.

Shahram Mohammad Nejad, Saeed Olyaee,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2009)

In this paper, we present a high accuracy laser range finder and velocimeter using ultra-fast time-to-digital converter (TDC). The system operation is based on the measuring the round-trip time of a narrow laser pulse. A low-dark current high-speed PIN photodiode is used to detect the triggered laser beam and to produce start signal. The pulsed laser diode generates 45W optical power at 30ns duration time and 905nm wavelength. A high-responsivity avalanche photodiode (APD) detects the reflected beam from the target. An optical head including beam splitter, lenses and optical filters is also designed and implemented. The signal conditioner of the system includes pre- and post-amplifiers, comparator, opto-isolators and monostable. By using a 3MV/W reach-through structure avalanche photodiode and a wideband pre-amplifier, the pre-amplifier output reaches 15.9mV, resulting from the minimum detectable optical power. The APD temperature and as a result its responsivity is controlled by a thermoelectric controller unit. The start and stop signals from PIN and APD are led to the time-to-digital converter to count the round-trip time of the laser beam. The system is tested by a retro-reflector as a target for 30-1200m distances. The resolutions of the distance and velocity measurement are limited to 18.75mm and 1.2m/s, respectively. In the worst condition, the minimum reflected optical power is limited to about 5.3nW in 1.2km distance.
Mahdi Sedghi, Masoud Aliakbar-Golkar,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2009)

Optimal expansion of medium-voltage power networks is a common issue in electrical distribution planning. Minimizing total cost of the objective function with technical constraints and reliability limits, make it a combinatorial problem which should be solved by optimization algorithms. This paper presents a new hybrid simulated annealing and tabu search algorithm for distribution network expansion problem. Proposed hybrid algorithm is based on tabu search and an auxiliary simulated annealing algorithm controls the tabu list of the main algorithm. Also, another auxiliary simulated annealing based algorithm has been added to local searches of the main algorithm to make it more efficient. The numerical results show that the method is very accurate and fast comparing with the other algorithms.
J. Beiza, S. H. Hosseinian, B. Vahidi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2009)

This paper presents a novel approach for fault type estimation in power systems. The Fault type estimation is the first step to estimate instantaneous voltage, voltage sag magnitude and duration in a three-phase system at fault duration. The approach is based on time-domain state estimation where redundant measurements are available. The current based model allows a linear mapping between the measured variable and the states to be estimated. This paper shows a possible for fault instance detection, fault location identification and fault type estimation utilizing residual analysis and topology error processing. The idea is that the fault status does not change measurement matrix dimensions but changes some elements of the measurement matrix. The paper addresses how to rebuilt measurement matrix for each type of faults. The proposed algorithm is shown that the method has high effectiveness and high performance for forecasting fault type and for estimating instantaneous bus voltage. The performance of the novel approach is tested on IEEE 14-bus test system and the results are shown.
A. Jabbari, M. Shakeri, S. A. Nabavi Niaki,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2010)

In the present work, an integrated method of pole shape design optimization for reduction of torque pulsation components in permanent magnet synchronous motors is developed. A progressive design process is presented to find feasible optimal shapes. This method is applied on the pole shape optimization of two prototype permanent magnet synchronous motors, i.e., 4-poles/6-slots and 4-poles-12slots.
M. Esmaili, H. A Shayanfar, N. Amjady,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2010)

Congestion management in electricity markets is traditionally done using deterministic values of power system parameters considering a fixed network configuration. In this paper, a stochastic programming framework is proposed for congestion management considering the power system uncertainties. The uncertainty sources that are modeled in the proposed stochastic framework consist of contingencies of generating units and branches as well as load forecast errors. The Forced Outage Rate of equipment and the normal distribution function to model load forecast errors are employed in the stochastic programming. Using the roulette wheel mechanism and Monte-Carlo analysis, possible scenarios of power system operating states are generated and a probability is assigned to each scenario. Scenario reduction is adopted as a tradeoff between computation time and solution accuracy. After scenario reduction, stochastic congestion management solution is extracted by aggregation of solutions obtained from feasible scenarios. Congestion management using the proposed stochastic framework provides a more realistic solution compared with the deterministic solution by a reasonable uncertainty cost. Results of testing the proposed stochastic congestion management on the 24-bus reliability test system indicate the efficiency of the proposed framework.
S. Thangaprakash, A. Krishnan,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2010)

New control circuits and algorithms are frequently proposed to control the impedance (Z) source inverter in efficient way with added benefits. As a result, several modified control techniques have been proposed in recent years. Although these techniques are clearly superior to the simple boost control method which was initially proposed along with the Z-source inverter (ZSI), little or conflicting data is available about their merits relating to each other. In this paper, it is shown how the shoot-through periods are inserted in the switching waveforms of the power switches and the performances of them are analyzed based on the operation of ZSI. Simple boost control, maximum boost control, constant boost control and space vector modulation based control methods given in the literature has been illustrated with their control characteristics. A critical investigation on ripples of the impedance source elements, output voltage controllability, output harmonic profile, transient response of the voltage across the impedance source capacitor and voltage stress ratio etc has been presented with the simulation results. The simulation results are experimentally verified in the laboratory with digital signal processors (DSP). DSP coding for the above all control techniques has been generated by interfacing Matlab/Simulink with DSP C6000 tool box and signal processing block set.
H. Javadi, M. Farzaneh, A. Peyda,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2010)

This paper deals with the measurement of AC corona inception voltage, Vincp, at the tip of a rod electrode using a hemispherically-capped rod-plane electrode configuration for various rod radii with a short air gap. Effects of atmospheric pressure and temperature variation on Vincp are investigated experimentally. An empirical equation for the field form factors of the hemispherically capped rod-plane electrodes is proposed with its range of applicability. The obtained results are analyzed to derive a more accurate analytical equation for the calculation of the electric field at corona inception voltage, Eincp, and the average of electric field distribution, Emean
C. Lucas, F. Tootoonchian, Z. Nasiri-Gheidari,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2010)

In this paper a brushless permanent magnet motor is designed considering minimum thrust ripple and maximum thrust density (the ratio of the thrust to permanent magnet volumes). Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used as optimization method. Finite element analysis (FEA) is carried out base on the optimized and conventional geometric dimensions of the motor. The results of the FEA deal to the significant improvement of the all objective functions.
C. Lucas , Z. Nasiri-Gheidari , F. Tootoonchian,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2010)

In this paper particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used for a design optimization of a linear permanent magnet synchronous motor (LPMSM) considering ultra low thrust force ripples, low magnet consumption, improved efficiency and thrust. The influence of PM material is discussed, too and the modular poles are proposed to achieve the best characteristic. PM dimensions and material, air gap and motor width are chosen as design variables. Finally 2-D finite element analyses validate the optimization results.
M. Sharma, K. P. Vittal,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2010)

The recent trends in electrical power distribution system operation and management are aimed at improving system conditions in order to render good service to the customer. The reforms in distribution sector have given major scope for employment of distributed generation (DG) resources which will boost the system performance. This paper proposes a heuristic technique for allocation of distribution generation source in a distribution system. The allocation is determined based on overall improvement in network performance parameters like reduction in system losses, improvement in voltage stability, improvement in voltage profile. The proposed Network Performance Enhancement Index (NPEI) along with the heuristic rules facilitate determination of feasible location and corresponding capacity of DG source. The developed approach is tested with different test systems to ascertain its effectiveness.
H. Heydari, R. Sharifi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2011)

The design process of a superconducting current limiter (SFCL) requires simulation and definition of its electrical, magnetic and thermal properties in form of equivalent circuits and mathematical models. However, any change in SFCL parameters: dimension, resistance, and operating temperature can affect the limiting mode, quench time, and restore time. In this paper, following the simulation of electrical and thermal behavior of resistive and inductive SFCLs and investigation on their performance variation responded to change parameters, the best design cases will be selected by using multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques. As a case study, to evaluate proposed MCDM approaches in design of superconducting fault current limiter, a model in which a SFCL is located at an outgoing feeder in a 20 kV distribution substation will be considered and best designs will be presented for both resistive and inductive type.
A. Merline, S. J. Thiruvengadam,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2011)

The role of waveform design is central to effective radar resource management for state-of-the art radar systems. The waveform shape employed by any radar system has always been a key factor in determining the performance and application. The design of radar waveform to minimize mean square error (MSE) in estimating the target impulse response is based on power allocation using waterfilling. This paper shows the effect of various power control strategies in the MMSE performance of the waveform design. We find that the truncated power control strategy exhibits a good MMSE performance. The performance improvement results from the fact that with the truncated power control no power is wasted in poor quality modes.
M. Shams Esfand Abadi, S. Nikbakht,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2011)

Two-dimensional (TD) adaptive filtering is a technique that can be applied to many image, and signal processing applications. This paper extends the one-dimensional adaptive filter algorithms to TD structures and the novel TD adaptive filters are established. Based on this extension, the TD variable step-size normalized least mean squares (TD-VSS-NLMS), the TD-VSS affine projection algorithms (TD-VSS-APA), the TD set-membership NLMS (TD-SM-NLMS), the TD-SM-APA, the TD selective partial update NLMS (TD-SPU-NLMS), and the TD-SPU-APA are presented. In TD-VSS adaptive filters, the step-size changes during the adaptation which leads to improve the performance of the algorithms. In TD-SM adaptive filter algorithms, the filter coefficients are not updated at each iteration. Therefore, the computational complexity is reduced. In TD-SPU adaptive algorithms, the filter coefficients are partially updated which reduce the computational complexity. We demonstrate the good performance of the proposed algorithms thorough several simulation results in TD adaptive noise cancellation (TD-ANC) for image restoration. The results are compared with the classical TD adaptive filters such as TD-LMS, TD-NLMS, and TD-APA
Sh. Yousefi, M. Parsa Moghaddam, V. Johari Majd,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2011)

In this paper, an agent-based structure of the electricity retail market is presented based on which day-ahead (DA) energy procurement for customers is modeled. Here, we focus on operation of only one Retail Energy Provider (REP) agent who purchases energy from DA pool-based wholesale market and offers DA real time tariffs to a group of its customers. As a model of customer response to the offered real time prices, an hourly acceptance function is proposed in order to represent the hourly changes in the customer’s effective demand according to the prices. Here, Q-learning (QL) approach is applied in day-ahead real time pricing for the customers enabling the REP agent to discover which price yields the most benefit through a trial-and-error search. Numerical studies are presented based on New England day-ahead market data which include comparing the results of RTP based on QL approach with that of genetic-based pricing.
A. Acharyya, J. P. Banerjee,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2011)

The effect of optical illumination on DC and dynamic performance of Si1-xGex based double drift region (DDR) (p+pnn+) IMPATT diode operating at W-Band is investigated and compared with its Silicon counterpart. Top Mounted (TM) and Flip Chip (FC) structures are chosen and the composition of photocurrent is altered by shining light on the p+ side and n+ side of the device through optical windows. A double iterative computer simulation method based on drift-diffusion model has been used to study the small signal performance and subsequent modification of the small signal parameters owing to optical illumination. The role of leakage current in controlling the dynamic properties is studied by varying the current multiplication factors for electrons (Mn) and for holes (Mp). It is observed that both the DC and small signal parameters of both the diodes are affected significantly due to optical illumination. Under optical illumination of the device, the frequency shift is observed to be more upwards upon lowering of Mn than lowering of Mp for both the diodes. The frequency chirping in both Si1-xGex and Si IMPATTs are found to be of the order of few GHz, thereby indicating their high photo-sensitiveness at W-Band. But the results significantly indicates that photo-sensitiveness of Si1-xGex IMPATT is much greater than the Si IMPATT which is one of the major findings of this work.
M. Barati, A. R. Khoogar, M. Nasirian,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2011)

Abstract: Using robot manipulators for high accuracy applications require precise value of the kinematics parameters. Since measurement of kinematics parameters are usually associated with errors and accurate measurement of them is an expensive task, automatic calibration of robot link parameters makes the task of kinematics parameters determination much easier. In this paper a simple and easy to use algorithm is introduced for correction and calibration of robot kinematics parameters. Actually at several end-effecter positions, the joint variables are measured simultaneously. This information is then used in two different algorithms least square (LS) and Genetic algorithm (GA) for automatic calibration and correction of the kinematics parameters. This process was also tested experimentally via a three degree of freedom manipulator which is actually used as a coordinate measuring machine (CMM). The experimental Results prove that the Genetic algorithms are better for both parameter identification and calibration of link parameters.
J. Soleimani, A. Vahedi, S. M Mirimani,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2011)

Recently, Inner permanent magnet (IPM) synchronous machines have been introduced as a possible traction motor in hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and traction applications due to their unique merits. In order to achieve maximum torque per ampere (MTPA), optimization of the motor geometry parameters is necessary. This paper Presents a design method to achieve minimum volume, MTPA and minimum value of cogging torque for traction IPM synchronous machines and simulation in order to extract the output values of motor is done using 3D-Finite Element Model, that has high level of accuracy and gives us a better insight of motor performance. Then presents back EMF, power factor, cogging torque, Flux density, torque per ampere diagram, CPSR (constant power speed ratio), torque per speed diagram in this IPM synchronous machine. This study can help designers in design approach of such motors.

S. Haji Nasiri, M. K. Moravvej-Farshi, R. Faez,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2012)

Time domain analysis of multilayer graphene nanoribbon (MLGNR) interconnects, based on ‎transmission line modeling (TLM) using a six-order linear parametric expression, has been ‎presented for the first time. We have studied the effects of interconnect geometry along with ‎its contact resistance on its step response and Nyquist stability. It is shown that by increasing ‎interconnects dimensions their propagation delays are increased and accordingly the system ‎becomes relatively more stable. In addition, we have compared time responses and Nyquist ‎stabilities of MLGNR and SWCNT bundle interconnects, with the same external dimensions. ‎The results show that under the same conditions, the propagation delays for MLGNR ‎interconnects are smaller than those of SWCNT bundle interconnects are. Hence, SWCNT ‎bundle interconnects are relatively more stable than their MLGNR rivals.‎
S. R. Mousavi-Aghdam, M. R. Feyzi, Y. Ebrahimi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2012)

This paper presents a new design to reduce torque ripple in Switched Reluctance Motors (SRM). Although SRM possesses many advantages in terms of motor structure, it suffers from large torque ripple that causes problems such as vibration and acoustic noise. The paper describes new rotor and stator pole shapes with a non-uniform air gap profile to reduce torque ripple while retaining its average value. An optimization using fuzzy strategy is successfully performed after sensitivity analysis. The two dimensional (2-D) finite element method (FEM) results, have demonstrated validity of the proposed new design.

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