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Showing 103 results for Ali

M. Kiani, A. Abdolali,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (March 2013)

This paper presents a general formulation to investigate the scattering from Multilayer Lossy Inhomogeneous Metamaterial Planar Structure (MLIMPS) with arbitrary number of layers and polarization. First, the dominating differential equation of transverse components of electromagnetic fields in each layers derived. Considering the general form of solution of the differential equations and the boundary conditions of the problem a set of linear equations is obtained. By solving these equations, the electromagnetic fields in all layers and reflection and transmission coefficients are calculated. This method is applied in an interesting example for two bi-layered structures with inhomogeneous conventional material and metamaterial profile for constitutive parameters. Results which are presented in example are useful for constructing general duality between conventional material and metamaterials.
R. Ghazi, N. Pariz, R. Zeinali,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (June 2013)

In this paper, the effect of Static VAr Compensator (SVC) parameters on the nonlinear interaction of steam power plant turbine-generator set is studied using the Modal Series (MS) method. A second order representation of a power system equipped with SVC is developed and then by MS method the nonlinear interaction of torsional modes is assessed under various conditions and the most influencing factors are determined. The results show that the stress conditions and some SVC control parameters will adversely affect the dynamic performance of a power system by increasing the nonlinear interaction of torsional modes. In this situation, the MS method can precisely provide a reliable prediction of the torsional oscillations amplitudes and the frequency content of the output system response. As the angle and speed of turbine-generator segments are used as input signals in several controllers, the frequency content of these signals are quite important in designing such controllers. This analysis is performed on a 4-areas WSCC system, which is equipped with a SVC. The obtained results can provide some important guidelines for coordinate operation and design of FACTS controllers to reduce the risk of shaft failure arising from torsional interaction in long term.
D. Zarifi, E. Hosseininejad, A. Abdolali,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (June 2014)

A dual-band artificial magnetic material and then a dual-band double-negative metamaterial structure based on symmetric spiral resonators are presented. An approximate analytical model is used for the initial design of the proposed structures. The electromagnetic parameters of the proposed metamaterial structure retrieved using an advanced parameter retrieval method based on the causality principle show its dual-band nature at microwave frequencies.
A. Abdolali, M. M Salary,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (September 2014)

The proposed theorem in this paper is indicative of a kind of duality in the propagation of waves in the dual media of and in the spherical structures. Independent of wave frequency, the number of layers, their thickness, and the type of polarization, this theorem holds true in case of any change in any of these conditions. Theorem: Consider a plane wave incident on a multilayered spherical structure. The core of structure may be PEC, metamaterial or dielectric. If we apply the interchange or for the constituting materials of the spherical structure and the surrounding medium the radar cross section of the structure will not change in any direction.
D. Zarifi, M. Soleimani, A. Abdolali,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (December 2014)

In this paper, the propagation of electromagnetic waves through an infinite slab of uni- or bi- axial chiral medium is analytically formulated for an arbitrary incidence using 4×4 matrix method. In this powerful method, a state vector differential equation is extracted whose solution is given in terms of a transition matrix relating the tangential components of electric and magnetic fields at the input and output planes of the uni- or bi- axial chiral layer. The formulas of the reflection and transmission are then derived. Also, the presented method is verified by some typical examples and the results are compared with the results obtained by the other available methods.
V. Behnamgol, A. R. Vali,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (June 2015)

In this paper, we extend the sliding mode idea to a class of unmatched uncertain variable structure systems. This method is achieved with introducing a new terminal sliding variable and the finite time stability of proposed method is proved using a new particular finite time condition in both reaching and sliding phases. In reaching phase new sliding mode controller is derived to guarantee the finite time stability of sliding surface with considering matched uncertainty. Also in sliding phase, because of introducing a new terminal sliding variable, the finite time stability of state variables with considering unmatched uncertainty has been guarantee. Therefore in proposed algorithm we are able to adjust reaching and sliding times in the presences of both matched and unmatched uncertainty. This algorithm is applied to designing control law for a moving cart system with bounded matched and unmatched uncertainties. Simulation results show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm.



M. Alizadeh Moghadam, R. Noroozian, S. Jalilzadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (September 2015)

This paper presents modeling, simulation and control of matrix converter (MC) for variable speed wind turbine (VSWT) system including permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). At a given wind velocity, the power available from a wind turbine is a function of its shaft speed. In order to track maximum power, the MC adjusts the PMSG shaft speed.The proposed control system allowing independent control maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of generator side and regulate reactive power of grid side for the operation of the VSWT system. The MPPT is implemented by a new control system. This control system is based on control of zero d-axis current (ZDC). The ZDC control can be realized by transfer the three-phase stator current in the stationary reference frame into d-and q-axis components in the synchronous reference frame. Also this paper is presented, a novel control strategy to regulate the reactive power supplied by a variable speed wind energy conversion system. This control strategy is based on voltage oriented control (VOC). The simulation results based on Simulink/Matlab software show that the controllers can extract maximum power and regulate reactive power under varying wind velocities.


H. Heidarzad Moghaddam, M. Salimi,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (September 2015)

Hysteresis current control method is vastly used in PWM inverters because of simplicity in performance, fast control response and good ability in limiting peak current. However, switching frequency in hysteresis current control method with fixed bandwidth has large variation during a cycle and therefore causes non-optimal current ripple generation in output current. One of basic problems in implementing hysteresis current control is its variable switching frequency that causes sound noise and increase in inverter losses and also high frequency current components injection to the source current. In this paper, in addition to the calculation of variable hysteresis bandwidth equation that fixes frequency switching, also other problems can be solved by removing the derivative part. Here, a shunt active filter has been used for removing the current harmonic components generated by non-linear loads. Proposed method is simple to perform and reliable, and also has been simulated in MATHLAB software environment


R Ilka, Y Alinejad-Beromi, H Yaghobi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (December 2015)

Among all types of electrical motors, permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are reliable and efficient motors in industrial applications. Because of their superiority over other kinds of motors, they are replacing conventional electric motors. On the other hand, high-phase PMSMs are good candidates to be used in certain industrial and military projects such as electric vehicles, spacecrafts, naval systems and etc. In these cases, the motor has to be designed with minimum volume and high torque and efficiency. Design optimization can improve their features noticeably, thus reduce volume and enhance performance of motors. In this paper, a new method for optimum design of a five-phase surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor is presented to achieve minimum permanent magnets (PMs) volume with an increased torque and efficiency. Design optimization is performed in search for optimum dimensions of the motor and its permanent magnets using Bees Algorithm (BA). The design optimization results in a motor with great improvement regarding the original motor which is compared with two well-known evolutionary algorithms i.e. GA and PSO. Finally, finite element method simulation is utilized to validate the accuracy of the design.


E. Babaei, Z. Saadatizadeh, S. Laali,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (June 2016)

In this paper, a new bidirectional buck-boost dc-dc converter with capability of soft switching and zero input current ripple is proposed. The coupled inductor is used in the proposed converter to eliminate the input current ripple. In the proposed converter, zero voltage switching (ZVS) and zero current switching (ZCS) can be obtained for the main and auxiliary switches, respectively. In addition, the proposed topology is analyzed in all operating modes and all equations of voltage and current for components are obtained. Moreover, the required conditions for soft switching operation and also achieving zero input current ripple are calculated. Finally, the acuracy performance of the proposed converter is reconfirmed through simulation results in EMTDC/PSCAD software program.

E. Ghasemi Mizuji, A. Abdolali,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (June 2016)

The main purpose of this paper is to design, implement and measure a new sample of mantle cloak. A new method called mantle cloak is introduced by cloaking an object by a single, conformal meta-surface which can drastically suppress the scattering of the desired object. In this paper, a grid lattice is placed around a dielectric object as the cloaking structure. Previously, this FSS has been utilized for the cloaking of PEC object; but, since this structure has inductive equivalent circuit on the dielectric, it can be used for cloaking of dielectric cylinder. Numerical simulations of near field and far field of the designed structure are derived to prove the effectiveness of our meta-surface cloak. Also, measurement results of S11 and S21 related to cloaked structure and their comparison with single dielectric proves suitable performance of the designed cloak. The results show more than 20% bandwidth for this structure. This means that this structure is suitable for broadband operations.

S. Laali, E. Babaei, Z. Saadatizadeh,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (September 2016)

In this paper, several optimum structures of a cascaded multilevel inverter is proposed. This optimization is based on generation a constant number of output voltage levels by using minimum number of power switches or dc voltage sources or minimum amount of blocked voltage by power switches. In addition, the optimum structure for a constant number of dc voltage sources by using minimum number of power switches is obtained. In these optimizations, all of the presented algorithms to generate a desired sinosuidal waveform of the cascaded multilevel inverter are considered. Then, the proposed optimum topologies are compared with several conventional cascaded multilevel invereters that have been presented in literature. These comparisons are from the number of required power switches, dc voltag sources, variabilty the magnitude of dc voltage source and the value of blocked voltage by switches points of view. The conduction and switching losses of the proposed topologies are calculated. In addition, a 49-level cascaded inverter based on the proposed optimum topologies is designed. Moreover, the designed topologies are compared to each other from the amount of blocked voltage by swithes, the maximum magnitude of output voltage levels and the number of required power electronic devices such as power switches, driver circuits and diodes points of view. Finally, the ability of the optimium topology in generation all voltage levels (even and odd) by using minimum number of power switches is reconfirmed thruogh PSCAD/EMTDC simulation and experimental results on a 49-level inverter.

A. A. Abedi, M. R. Mosavi, K. Mohammadi, M. R. Daliri,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (September 2016)

One of the instruments for determination of position used in several applications is the Global Positioning System (GPS). With a cheap GPS receiver, we can easily find the approximate position of an object. Accuracy estimation depends on some parameters such as dilution of precision, atmospheric error, receiver noise, and multipath. In this study, position accuracy with GPS receiver is classified in three classes. Nine classification methods are utilized and compared. Finally, a new method is selected for classification. Results are verified with experimental data. Success rate for classificationis approximately 84%.

A. Ejlali, J. Soleimani, A. Vahedi,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (December 2016)

Recently, Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Generators (TFPMGs) have been proposed as a possible generator in direct drive variable speed wind turbines due to their unique merits. Generally, the quality of output power in these systems is lower than multi stage fixed speed systems, because of removing the gears, so it’s important to design these kinds of generators with low ripple and lowest harmful harmonics and cogging torque that is one of the most important terms in increasing the quality of output power of generator. The objective of this paper is introducing a simple design method and optimization of high power TFPMG applied in vertical axis direct drive wind turbine system by lowest possible amplitude of cogging torque and highest possible power factor, efficiency and power density.  In order to extract the output values of generator and sensitivity analysis for design and optimization, 3D-Finite element model, has been used. This method has high accuracy and gives us a better insight of generator performance and presents back EMF, cogging torque, flux density and FFT of this TFPMG. This study can help designers in design approach of such motors.

E. Alizadeh, A. M. Birjandi, M. Hamzeh,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (December 2016)

This paper proposes an autonomous and economic droop control scheme for DC microgrid application. In this method, a cost-effective power sharing technique among various types of DG units is properly adopted. The droop settings are determined based on an algorithm to individually manage the power management without any complicated optimization methods commonly applied in the centralized control method. In the proposed scheme, the system retains all the advantages of the traditional droop method while minimizes the generation costs of the DC microgrid. In the proposed method, all DGs are classified in a sorting rule based on their total generation cost and the reference voltage of their droop equations is then determined. The proposed scheme is applied to a typical DC microgrid consisting of four different types of DGs and a controllable load. The simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.

N. Eskandari, S. Jalilzadeh,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (December 2016)

Load side management is the basic and significant principle to keeping the balance between generation side and consumption side of electrical power energy. Load side management on typical medium voltage feeder is the power energy consumption control of connected loads with variation of essential parameters that loads do reaction to their variation. Knowing amount of load's reaction to each parameters variation in typical medium voltage feeder during the day, leads to gain Load Manageability Factor (LMF) for that specific feeder that helps power utilities to manage their connected loads. Calculating this LMF needs to find out each types of load with unique inherent features behavior to each parameters variation. This paper results and future work results will help us to catch mentioned LMF. In this paper analysis of residential load behavior due to temperature variation with training artificial neural network will be done. Load behavior due to other essential parameters variations like energy pricing variation, major event happening, and power utility announcing to the customers, and etc will study in future works. Collecting all related works results in a unit mathematical equation or an artificial neural network will gain LMF.

M. Khalilzadeh, A. Fereidunian,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (December 2016)

In this paper, a stochastic approach is proposed for reliability assessment of bidirectional DC-DC converters, including the fault-tolerant ones. This type of converters can be used in a smart DC grid, feeding DC loads such as home appliances and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). The reliability of bidirectional DC-DC converters is of such an importance, due to the key role of the expected increasingly utilization of DC grids in modern Smart Grid. Markov processes are suggested for reliability modeling and consequently calculating the expected effective lifetime of bidirectional converters. A three-leg bidirectional interleaved converter using data of Toyota Prius 2012 hybrid electric vehicle is used as a case study. Besides, the influence of environment and ambient temperature on converter lifetime is studied. The impact of modeling the reliability of the converter and adding reliability constraints on the technical design procedure of the converter is also investigated. In order to investigate the effect of leg increase on the lifetime of the converter, single leg to five-leg interleave DC-DC converters are studied considering economical aspect and the results are extrapolated for six and seven-leg converters. The proposed method could be generalized so that the number of legs and input and output capacitors could be an arbitrary number.

M. Khalilzadeh, B. Asaei, M. R. Nikzad,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (March 2017)

In this paper a novel four-leg interleaved DC-DC boost converter is proposed which is well suitable for fuel cell vehicles (FCV) application. The voltage stress of two switches of this converter is half of the conventional interleaved converters. Therefore, smaller and cheaper switches can be utilized. Also "on" state duration of the two of four switches are reduced in comparison with conventional converter. Furthermore, comparing the losses of the proposed converter to conventional one – which is used in ،Toyota Mirai 2015 – shows a significant loss reduction in full power range. The proposed converter is simulated within an FCV in urban and highway driving cycles using ADVISOR software. The results show that the average power loss of the converter is improved about 32% in urban cycle and about 17% in highway cycle comparing to conventional one.

A. R. Moradi, Y. Alinejad-Beromi, K. Kiani,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (March 2017)

Congestion and overloading for lines are the main problems in the exploitation of power grids. The consequences of these problems in deregulated systems can be mentioned as sudden jumps in prices in some parts of the power system, lead to an increase in market power and reduction of competition in it. FACTS devices are efficient, powerful and economical tools in controlling power flows through transmission lines that play a fundamental role in congestion management. However, after removing congestion, power systems due to targeting security restrictions may be managed with a lower voltage or transient stability rather than before removing. Thus, power system stability should be considered within the construction of congestion management. In this paper, a multi-objective structure is presented for congestion management that simultaneously optimizes goals such as total operating cost, voltage and transient security. In order to achieve the desired goals, locating and sizing of series FACTS devices are done with using components of nodal prices and the newly developed grey wolf optimizer (GWO) algorithm, respectively. In order to evaluate reliability of mentioned approaches, a simulation is done on the 39-bus New England network.

M. Kamali, F. Sheikholeslam, J. Askari,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (June 2017)

In this paper, a robust adaptive actuator failure compensation control scheme is proposed for a class of multi input multi output linear systems with unknown time-varying state delay and in the presence of unknown actuator failures and external disturbance. The adaptive controller structure is designed based on the SPR-Lyapunov approach to achieve the control objective under the specific assumptions and the SDU factorization method of the high frequency gain matrix is employed to drive the suitable form of the error equation.  The two component controller structure with an integral term is used in order to compensate the effect of unknown state delay and external disturbance. Using a suitable Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, it is shown that despite existing external disturbance and actuator failures, all closed loop signals are bounded and the plant Output asymptotically tracks the output of a stable reference model. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical results.

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