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Showing 2 results for Computer Network

P. Khadivi, S. Samavi, H. Saidi, T. D. Todd,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (7-2005)

Multi-constraint quality-of-service routing will become increasingly important as the Internet evolves to support real-time services. It is well known however, that optimum multi-constraint QoS routing is computationally complex, and for this reason various heuristics have been proposed for routing in practical situations. Among these methods, those that use a single mixed metric are the most popular. Although mixed metric routing discards potentially useful information, this is compensated for by significantly reduced complexity. Exploiting this tradeoff is becoming increasingly important where low complexity designs are desired, such as in battery operated wireless applications. In this paper, a novel single mixed metric multi-constraint routing algorithm is introduced. The proposed technique has similar complexity compared with existing low complexity methods. Simulation results are presented which show that it can obtain better performance than comparable techniques in terms of generating feasible multi-constraint QoS routes.
M. H. Refan, H. Valizadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2012)

Accurate and reliable time is necessary for financial and legal transactions, transportation, distribution systems, and many other applications. Time synchronization protocols such as NTP (the Network Time Protocol) have kept clocks of such applications synchronized to each other for many years. Nowadays there are many commercial GPS based NTP time server products at the market but they almost have a high price. In this paper we are going to use a low cost GPS engine to build a time server to provide time synchronization with accuracy of a few milliseconds. This time server is relatively very cheap and it can be used in almost all typical applications. We also proposed a software based NTP time server implemented in MATLAB as well.

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