Showing 5 results for Distributed Energy Resource
Sh. Jadid, S. A. H. Bahreyni,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Smart Grids are result of utilizing novel technologies such as distributed energy resources, and communication technologies in power system to compensate some of its defects. Various power resources provide some benefits for operation domain however, power system operator should use a powerful methodology to manage them. Renewable resources and load add uncertainty to the problem. So, independent system operator should use a stochastic method to manage them. A Stochastic unit commitment is presented in this paper to schedule various power resources such as distributed generation units, conventional thermal generation units, wind and PV farms, and demand response resources. Demand response resources, interruptible loads, distributed generation units, and conventional thermal generation units are used to provide required reserve for compensating stochastic nature of various resources and loads. In the presented model, resources connected to distribution network can participate in wholesale market through aggregators. Moreover, a novel three-program model which can be used by aggregators is presented in this article. Loads and distributed generation can contract with aggregators by these programs. A three-bus test system and the IEEE RTS are used to illustrate usefulness of the presented model. The results show that ISO can manage the system effectively by using this model
R. Ghaffarpour, B. Mozafari, A. Ranjbar,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2016)
The continuous spread of distributed energy resources (DERs) such as combined heating and power (CHP), diesel generators, boilers and renewable energy sources provide an effective solution to energy related problems to serve the power and heat demands with minimum cost. Moreover, the DERs may play a significant role for supplying power and heat in rural areas, where grid electricity is not available. Also, some dry areas may face water scarcity and salinity problems. So, one important solution is the use of DERs to drive desalination units in order to solve water scarcity and salinity problems. In this study, the optimal scheduling of DERs and reverse osmosis (RO) desalination unit that feed the required electric, thermal and potable water demands are determined. The present paper describes the operation constraints and cost function of components of the system in detail. Operation constraints of generation units as well as feasible region of operation CHP in dual dependency characteristic are taken into account. To confirm the performance of the proposed model the approach is tested on a realistic remote area over a 24-h period. The results show that the economical scheduling of DERs and desalination units can be obtained using proposed methodology by implementing the proposed formulation.
S. Arefi Ardakani, A. Badri,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Today due to increasing and evolving of electrical grids, the optimal and profitable energy production is among producers' major concerns. Thus, conventional ways of production and trading energy are being replaced by modern economical procedures. In addition, distributed energy resources (DERs) in form of renewable and conventional resources as well as responsive loads play an important role in this issue. The mutual problem of DERs in joining power market is their rather small production compared to other units and intermittency of the corresponding resources. Forming coalition is an effective way to overcome DER difficulties for participating in power market. In this paper the problem of optimal bidding strategy of DERs integrated as a virtual power plant is investigated. Based on the proposed method, cooperative game is employed to obtain optimal DER outputs and the results are compared with individual non-cooperative bidding model. In order to mitigate the intermittent nature of renewable energies, existence of electric vehicles (EVs) as energy storage facilities in the proposed coalition is investigated. Due to the associated uncertainties regarding EVs and DERs, a stochastic optimization model is used. Finally, Shapley value method is employed to obtain corresponding allocated profits. Results show the eminence of forming coalition in terms of acquiring payoffs and optimal contributions.
Jayati Vaish, Anil Kumar Tiwari, Seethalekshmi K.,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (12-2023)
In recent years, Microgrids in integration with Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) are playing as one of the key models for resolving the current energy problem by offering sustainable and clean electricity. Selecting the best DER cost and corresponding energy storage size is essential for the reliable, cost-effective, and efficient operation of the electric power system. In this paper, the real-time load data of Bengaluru city (Karnataka, India) for different seasons is taken for optimization of a grid-connected DERs-based Microgrid system. This paper presents an optimal sizing of the battery, minimum operating cost and, reduction in battery charging cost to meet the overall load demand. The optimization and analysis are done using meta-heuristic, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Ensemble Learning-based techniques such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and Random Forest (RF) model for different seasons i.e., winter, spring & autumn, summer and monsoon considering three different cases. The outcome shows that the ensemble learning-based Random Forest (RF) model gives maximum savings as compared to other optimization techniques.
Zahra Mobini-Serajy, Mehdi Radmehr, Alireza Ghorbani,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (3-2025)
Microgrids harness the benefits of non-inverter and inverter-based Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in grid-connected and island environments. Adoption of them with the various types of electric loads in modern MGs has led to stability and power quality issues. In this paper, a two-level control approach is proposed to overcome these problems. A state-space dynamic model is performed for Micro-Grids, for this goal, the state-space equations for generation, network, and load components are separately developed in a local DQ reference frame, and after linearization around the set point, then combining them into a common DQ reference frame. In the first level, the control of inverter-based DERs and some types of loads with fast response are activated, and in the second level, the control of synchronous diesel generator resources with slower response is used. In order to validate and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach, numerical studies have been established on a standard test MG under normal and symmetrical three-phase fault conditions. Finally, the simulation results are summarized.