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Showing 5 results for Fpga

M. Masoumi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2012)

Differential Power Analysis (DPA) implies measuring the supply current of a cipher-circuit in an attempt to uncover part of a cipher key. Cryptographic security gets compromised if the current waveforms obtained correlate with those from a hypothetical power model of the circuit. As FPGAs are becoming integral parts of embedded systems and increasingly popular for cryptographic applications and rapid prototyping, it is imperative to consider security on FPGAs as a whole. During last years, there has been a large amount of work done dealing with the algorithmic and architectural aspects of cryptographic schemes implemented on FPGAs, however, there are only a few articles that assess their vulnerability to such attacks which, in practice, pose far a greater danger than algorithmic attacks. This paper first demonstrates the vulnerability of the Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm (AES) implemented on a FPGA and then presents a novel approach for implementation of the AES algorithm which provides a significantly improved strength against differential power analysis with a minimal additional hardware overhead. The efficiency of the proposed technique was verified by practical results obtained from real implementation on a Xilinx Spartan-II FPGA.
M. Masoumi, H. Mahdizadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2012)

A new and highly efficient architecture for elliptic curve scalar point multiplication is presented. To achieve the maximum architectural and timing improvements we have reorganized and reordered the critical path of the Lopez-Dahab scalar point multiplication architecture such that logic structures are implemented in parallel and operations in the critical path are diverted to noncritical paths. The results we obtained show that with G = 55 our proposed design is able to compute GF(2163) elliptic curve scalar multiplication in 9.6 μs with the maximum achievable frequency of 250 MHz on Xilinx Virtex-4 (XC4VLX200), where G is the digit size of the underlying digit-serial finite field multiplier. Another implementation variant for less resource consumption is also proposed. With G=33, the design performs the same operation in 11.6 μs at 263 MHz on the same platform. The results of synthesis show that in the first implementation 17929 slices or 20% of the chip area is occupied which makes it suitable for speed critical cryptographic applications while in the second implementation 14203 slices or 16% of the chip area is utilized which makes it suitable for applications that may require speed-area trade-off. The new design shows superior performance compared to the previously reported designs.
C. S. Vinitha, R. K. Sharma,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (12-2019)

An efficient Lookup Table (LUT) design for memory-based multiplier is proposed.  This multiplier can be preferred in DSP computation where one of the inputs, which is filter coefficient to the multiplier, is fixed. In this design, all possible product terms of input multiplicand with the fixed coefficient are stored directly in memory. In contrast to an earlier proposition Odd Multiple Storage (OMS), we have proposed utilizing Even Multiple Storage (EMS) scheme for memory-based multiplication and by doing so we are able to achieve a less complex and high-speed design. Because of the very simpler control circuit used in our design, to extract the odd multiples of the product term, we are also able to achieve a significant reduction in path delay and area complexity. For validation, the proposed design of the multiplier is coded in VHDL, simulated and synthesized using Xilinx tool and then implemented in Virtex 7 XC7vx330tffg1157 FPGA. Various key performance metrics like number of slices, number of slice LUT’s and maximum combinational path delay is estimated for different input word length. Also, the performance metrics are compared with the existing OMS design. It is found that the proposed EMS design occupies nearly 62% less area in terms of number of slices as compared to the OMS design and the maximum path delay is decreased by 77% for a 64-bit input. Further, the proposed multipliers are used in Transposed FIR filter and its performance is compared with the OMS multiplier based filter for various filter orders and various input lengths.

A. Pathan, T. Memon,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (12-2021)

FPGA’s block memory may be programmed as a single or dual-port RAM/ROM module that leads to an area-efficient implementation of memory-based systems. In this contest, various works of carrying out an optimized implementation of simple to complex DSP systems on embedded building blocks may be seen. The multiplier is a core element of the DSP systems, and in implementing a memory-based multiplier, it is observed that one of the operands is kept constant, hence leading the design to a constant-coefficient multiplication. This paper shows Virtex-7 FPGA’s dual-port ROM-based implementation of an 8x8 variable-coefficient multiplier that may be used in several simple to complex DSP applications. The novelty of the proposed design is to configure the block ROM in dual-port mode and, hence, get four partial products in two clock cycles and introduce two unconventional adder approaches for partial product addition. This approach leads to fully resource utilization and the provision of a variable-coefficient multiplier. The work also shows the comparison of proposed architecture with already existing memory-based implementations and concludes the work as a novel step towards the efficient memory-based implementation of multiplier core.

Ali Riyadh Ali , Rakan Khalil Antar, Abdulghani Abdulrazzaq Abdulghafoor ,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2024)

Artificial intelligence-based optimization algorithm was used to compute the switching angle values. In order to run the inverter with the lowest possible Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) value, it is suggested in this study to use an algorithm such as the Practical Swarm Algorithm (PSA).  The multilevel inverter and optimization algorithm were created and simulated in this study using a MATLAB software. A frequency spectrum analysis was also conducted and found to be consistent with the theoretical analysis of the system. To provide practical results, the FPGA generates PWM signals that are appropriate for the inverter switches. On the Spartan-3E Starter set, the suggested control schemes were developed and put it into practice. Xilinx-ISE 12.1i design software and VHDL hardware description language were used to create the FPGA software. The suggested approaches have a number of benefits over conventional digital PWM techniques, including straightforward hardware implementation, minimum scaling of digital circuits, easy digital design, reconfigurable, and flexibility in adaptability. The outcomes of the experiment and the simulation agreed rather well.

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