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Showing 5 results for Fuzzy System

F. Hojjat Kashani, A. A. Lotfi Neyestanak, K. Barkeshli,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (4-2005)

A modified circular patch antenna design has been proposed in this paper, the bandwidth of this antenna is optimized using the genetic algorithm (GA) based on fuzzy decision-making. This design is simulated with HP HFSS Program that based on finite element method. This method is employed for analysis at the frequency band of 1.4 GHz- 2.6 GHz. It gives good impedance bandwidth of the order of 15.5% at the frequency band of 1.67GHz- 1.95GHz and 10.6% at 2.23GHz- 2.48GHz. It means that impedance bandwidth increases above 4.9% than the impedance bandwidth of ordinary circular patch antennas and band width rise from 1.78GHz- 1.98GHz (10.6%) to 1.67GHz- 1.95GHz (15.5%) and 2.23GHz- 2.48GHz (10.6%). The antenna fabricated with two slots on circular patch antenna. The measured results of the optimized antenna validate a high compatibility between the simulation and the measurements.
M. R. Mosavi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2009)

This paper presents design and implementation of three new Infrared Counter-Countermeasure (IRCCM) efficient methods using Neural Network (NN), Fuzzy System (FS), and Kalman Filter (KF). The proposed algorithms estimate tracking error or correction signal when jamming occurs. An experimental test setup is designed and implemented for performance evaluation of the proposed methods. The methods validity is verified with experiments on IR seeker reticle based on a Digital Signal Processing (DSP) processor. The practical results emphasize that the proposed algorithms are highly effective and can reduce the jamming effects. The experimental results obtained strongly support the potential of the method using FS to eliminate the IRCM effect 83%.
M. Ahmadi Jirdehi, V. Sohrabi-Tabar,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Control center of modern power system utilizes state estimation as an important function. In such structures, voltage phasor of buses is known as state variables that should be determined during operation. To specify the optimal operation of all components, an accurate estimation is required. Hence, various mathematical and heuristic methods can be applied for the mentioned goal. In this paper, an advanced power system state estimator is presented based on the adaptive neuro-fuzzy interface system. Indeed, this estimator uses advantages of both artificial neural networks and fuzzy method simultaneously. To analyze the operation of estimator, various scenarios are proposed including impact of load uncertainty and probability of false data injection as the important issues in the electrical energy networks. In this regard, the capability of false data detection and correction are also evaluated. Moreover, the operation of presented estimator is compared with artificial neural networks and weighted least square estimators. The results show that the adaptive neuro-fuzzy estimator overcomes the main drawbacks of the conventional methods such as accuracy and complexity as well as it is able to detect and correct the false data more precisely. Simulations are carried out on IEEE 14-bus and 30-bus test systems to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.

A. Saffari, S. H. Zahiri, M. Khishe,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2022)

In this paper, multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP-NN) training is used by the grasshopper optimization algorithm with the tuning of control parameters using a fuzzy system for the big data sonar classification problem. With proper tuning of these parameters, the two stages of exploration and exploitation are balanced, and the boundary between them is determined correctly. Therefore, the algorithm does not get stuck in the local optimization, and the degree of convergence increases. So the main aim is to get a set of real sonar data and then classify real sonar targets from unrealistic targets, including noise, clutter, and reverberation, using GOA-trained MLP-NN developed by the fuzzy system. To have accurate comparisons and prove the GOA performance developed with fuzzy logic (called FGOA), nine benchmark algorithms GOA, GA, PSO, GSA, GWO, BBO, PBIL, ES, ACO, and the standard backpropagation (BP) algorithm were used. The measured criteria are concurrency speed, ability to avoid local optimization, and accuracy. The results show that FGOA has the best performance for training datasets and generalized datasets with 96.43% and 92.03% accuracy, respectively.

M. Nezhadshahbodaghi, K. Bahmani, M. R. Mosavi, D. Martín,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (6-2023)

Today, it can be said that in every field in which timely information is needed, we can use the applications of time-series prediction. In this paper, among so many chaotic systems, the Mackey-Glass and Loranz are chosen. To predict them, Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP NN) trained by a variety of heuristic methods are utilized such as genetic, particle swarm, ant colony, evolutionary strategy algorithms, and population-based incremental learning. Also, in addition to expressed methods, we propose two algorithms of Bio-geography-Based Optimization (BBO) and fuzzy system to predict these chaotic systems. Simulation results show that if the MLP NN is trained based on the proposed meta-heuristic algorithm of BBO, training and testing accuracy will be improved by 28.5% and 51%, respectively. Also, if the presented fuzzy system is utilized to predict the chaotic systems, it outperforms approximately by 98.5% and 91.3% in training and testing accuracy, respectively.


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