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Showing 1 results for Multi Objective Cgsa

H. Shayeghi, A. Ghasemi,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2016)

Microgrids is an new opportunity to reduce the total costs of power generation and supply the energy demands through small-scale power plants such as wind sources, photo voltaic panels, battery banks, fuel cells, etc. Like any power system in micro grid (MG), an unexpected faults or load shifting leads to frequency oscillations. Hence, this paper employs an adaptive fuzzy P-PID controller for frequency control of microgrid and a modified multi objective Chaotic Gravitational Search Algorithm (CGSA) in order to find out the optimal setting parameters of the proposed controller. To provide a robust controller design, two non-commensurable objective functions are formulated based on eigenvalues-domain and time-domain and multi objective CGSA algorithm is used to solve them. Moreover, a fuzzy decision method is applied to extract the best and optimal Pareto fronts. The proposed controller is carried out on a MG system under different loading conditions with wind turbine generators, photovoltaic system, flywheel energy, battery storages, diesel generator and electrolyzer. The simulation results revealed that the proposed controller is more stable in comparison with the classical and other types of fuzzy controller.

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