Showing 43 results for Sa
Sh. Mahmoudi-Barmas, Sh. Kasaei,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (1-2008)
Image registration is a crucial step in most image processing tasks for which the
final result is achieved from a combination of various resources. In general, the majority of
registration methods consist of the following four steps: feature extraction, feature
matching, transform modeling, and finally image resampling. As the accuracy of a
registration process is highly dependent to the feature extraction and matching methods, in
this paper, we have proposed a new method for extracting salient edges from satellite
images. Due to the efficiency of multiresolution data representation, we have considered
four state-of-the-art multiresolution transforms –namely, wavelet, curvelet, complex
wavelet and contourlet transform- in the feature extraction step of the proposed image
registration method. Experimental results and performance comparison among these
transformations showed the high performance of the contourlet transform in extracting
efficient edges from satellite images. Obtaining salient, stable and distinguishable features
increased the accuracy of the proposed registration process.
M. Aliakbar-Golkar, Y. Raisee-Gahrooyi,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2008)
This paper compares fault position and Monte Carlo methods as the most
common methods in stochastic assessment of voltage sags. To compare their abilities,
symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults with different probability distribution of fault
positions along the lines are applied in a test system. The voltage sag magnitude in different
nodes of test system is calculated. The problem with these two methods is that they require
unknown number of iteration in Monte Carlo Method and number of fault position to
converge to an acceptable solution. This paper proposes a method based on characteristic
behavior of Monte Carlo simulations for determination required number of iteration in
Monte Carlo method.
A. Jabbari, M. Shakeri, S. A. Nabavi Niaki,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2010)
In the present work, an integrated method of pole shape design optimization for reduction of torque pulsation components in permanent magnet synchronous motors is developed. A progressive design process is presented to find feasible optimal shapes. This method is applied on the pole shape optimization of two prototype permanent magnet synchronous motors, i.e., 4-poles/6-slots and 4-poles-12slots.
Sh. Kasaei, E. Shabani Nia,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2011)
Multicamera vehicle tracking is a necessary part of any video-based intelligent transportation system for extracting different traffic parameters such as link travel times and origin/destination counts. In many applications, it is needed to locate traffic cameras disjoint from each other to cover a wide area. This paper presents a method for tracking moving vehicles in such camera networks. The proposed method introduces a new method for handling inter-object occlusions as the most challenging part of the single camera tracking phase. This approach is based on coding the silhouette of moving objects before and after occlusion and separating occluded vehicles by computing the longest common substring of the related chain codes. In addition, to improve the accuracy of the tracking method in the multicamera phase, a new feature based on the relationships among surrounding vehicles is formulated. The proposed feature can efficiently improve the efficiency of the appearance (or space-time) features when they cannot discriminate between correspondent and non-correspondent vehicles due to noise or dynamic condition of traffic scenes. A graph-based approach is then used to track vehicles in the camera network. Experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed methods.
S. Haji Nasiri, M. K. Moravvej-Farshi, R. Faez,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2012)
Time domain analysis of multilayer graphene nanoribbon (MLGNR) interconnects, based on transmission line modeling (TLM) using a six-order linear parametric expression, has been presented for the first time. We have studied the effects of interconnect geometry along with its contact resistance on its step response and Nyquist stability. It is shown that by increasing interconnects dimensions their propagation delays are increased and accordingly the system becomes relatively more stable. In addition, we have compared time responses and Nyquist stabilities of MLGNR and SWCNT bundle interconnects, with the same external dimensions. The results show that under the same conditions, the propagation delays for MLGNR interconnects are smaller than those of SWCNT bundle interconnects are. Hence, SWCNT bundle interconnects are relatively more stable than their MLGNR rivals.
M. Shams Esfand Abadi, M.s. Shafiee,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2013)
This paper presents a new variable step-size normalized subband adaptive filter (VSS-NSAF) algorithm. The proposed algorithm uses the prior knowledge of the system impulse
response statistics and the optimal step-size vector is obtained by minimizing the mean-square deviation(MSD). In comparison with NSAF, the VSS-NSAF algorithm has faster convergence speed and lower MSD. To reduce the computational complexity of VSSNSAF, the VSS selective partial update NSAF (VSS-SPU-NSAF) is proposed where the filter coefficients are partially updated in each subband at every iteration. We demonstrated the good performance of the proposed algorithms in convergence speed and steady-state MSD for a system identification set-up.
A. Darabi, M. Yousefisefat, M. Nikkhoo,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2014)
Quadrature-axis reactance for various reasons comes into account as one of the most important parameters of salient pole synchronous machine. There are several common standard methods for measuring this parameter that also have been explained with some details in the standards, scientific papers and text books. One of these methods is the maximum lagging current test that is done simply at no-load, having a three phase voltage source and applying very low power even for a high power machine. How this experiment is done is described at some references such as the books related to electrical machinery. This paper presents a detail analysis and description of the test and some simulation results regarding the performance of the machine during pole-slipping. It is shown when the reversal field current is increased very slowly, the transient of the pole-slipping commences at load angle equal to 45 degrees or by a better language at 225 instead of zero which is the common opinion of almost all the previously published literatures. In this paper, a realistically developed analysis of the test is presented applying appropriate assumptions. The maximum lagging current test is then simulated applying a small salient pole machine with the rated 31.5 kVA using Matlab/Simulink. Some simulation results are illustrated that prove correctness and validity of the new analysis and the proof described by the present paper.
R. Samadi, S. A. Seyedin,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2014)
Unintentional attacks on watermarking schemes lead to degrade the watermarking channel, while intentional attacks try to access the watermarking channel. Therefore, watermarking schemes should be robust and secure against unintentional and intentional attacks respectively. Usual security attack on watermarking schemes is the Known Message Attack (KMA). Most popular watermarking scheme with structured codebook is the Scalar Costa Scheme (SCS). The main goal of this paper is to increase security and robustness of SCS in the KMA scenario. To do this, SCS model is extended to more general case. In this case, the usual assumption of an infinite Document to Watermark Ratio (DWR) is not applied. Moreover watermark is assumed to be an arbitrary function of the quantization noise without transgressing orthogonality as in the Costa’s construction. Also, this case is restricted to the structured codebooks. The fundamental trade-off is proved between security and robustness of Generalized SCS (GSCS) in the KMA scenario. Based on this trade-off and practical security attack on SCS, a new extension of SCS is proposed which is called Surjective-SCS (SSCS). In the absence of robustness attack, the SSCS has more security than SCS in the same DWR. However, the SSCS achieves more security and robustness than SCS only in low Watermark to Noise Ratio (WNR) regime or low rate communications.
M. Mahmodi Kaleybar, R. Mahboobi Esfanjani,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2014)
In this paper, improved conditions for the synthesis of static state-feedback controller are derived to stabilize networked control systems (NCSs) subject to actuator saturation. Both of the data packet latency and dropout which deteriorate the performance of the closed-loop system are considered in the NCS model via variable delays. Two different techniques are employed to incorporate actuator saturation in the system description. Utilizing Lyapunov-Krasovskii Theorem, delay-dependent conditions are obtained in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to determine the static feedback gain. Moreover, an optimization problem is formulated in order to find the less conservative estimate for the region of attraction corresponding to different maximum allowable delays. Numerical examples are introduced to demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed schemes.
H. Fallah Khoshkar, A. Doroudi, M. Mohebbi,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2014)
This paper studies the effects of symmetrical voltage sags on the operational characteristics of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) by Finite Element Method (FEM). Voltage sags may cause high torque pulsations which can damage the shaft or equipment connected to the motor. By recognizing the critical voltage sags, sags that produce hazardous torque variations could be prevented. Simulations results will be provided and the critical voltage sags are recognized. A simple theoretical analysis will also be presented to obtain a qualitative understanding of the phenomena occurring in PMSM during symmetrical voltage sags
H. Yaghobi, H. Kafash Haghparast,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Synchronous generators are of two type’s salient pole type and round rotor type. The load angle curve of a cylindrical rotor synchronous machine comprises a single sine term only while in salient pole synchronous generators, power-angle characteristic has two terms. The first term is the fundamental component due to field excitation (the same as the cylindrical rotor) and the second term includes the effect of salient pole. In fact, this term is the second harmonic component due to reluctance torque. This paper presents a study on the new design of cylindrical solid rotor synchronous generator. In this new design, rotor of the machine is designed in such a way that the required inductance values are reached to produce reluctance torque, besides electromagnetic torque due to field excitation. In this contribution, a combination of two different ferromagnetic materials is considered in the design of the rotor. In this theory, the tight connection between the different materials is very important from a mechanical point of view. In other words, this new idea and production principal has potential in some areas after some further research and engineering. But this paper is focused on magnetic flux-carrying materials and presents a study of the new design of cylindrical solid rotor synchronous generator (NCG). Then a comparative analysis was made between this new (NCG) and conventional cylindrical solid rotor synchronous generator (CCG) and the effectiveness of the new cylindrical solid rotor from a magnetic point of view is demonstrated. In this paper, mechanical and thermal aspects of design such as vibration did not analyze.

M. Mohammadian, H. R. Momeni, M. Tahmasebi,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Artificially regulating gene expression is an important step in developing new
treatment for system-level disease such as cancer. In this paper, we propose a method to
regulate gene expression based on sampled-data measurements of gene products
concentrations. Inherent noisy behaviour of Gene regulatory networks are modeled with
stochastic nonlinear differential equation. To synthesize feedback controller, we formulate
sampling process as an impulsive system. By using a new Lyapunov function with
discontinuities at sampling times, state feedback gain that guarantees exponential meansquare
stability and H&infin performance is derived from LMIs. These LMIs also determine the
maximum allowable time between sampling points. A numerical example and a practical
application are presented to justify the applicability of the theoretical results

N. Tabrizi, E. Babaei, M. Mehdinejad,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2016)
Reactive power plays an important role in supporting real power transmission, maintaining system voltages within proper limits and overall system reliability. In this paper, the production cost of reactive power, cost of the system transmission loss, investment cost of capacitor banks and absolute value of total voltage deviation (TVD) are included into the objective function of the power flow problem. Then, by using particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), the problem is solved. The proposed PSO algorithm is implemented on standard IEEE 14-bus and IEEE 57-bus test systems and with using fuzzy satisfying method the optimal solutions are determined. The fuzzy goals are quantified by defining their corresponding membership functions and the decision maker is then asked to specify the desirable membership values. The obtained results show that solving this problem by using the proposed method gives much better results than all the other algorithms.
E. Babaei, M. R. Farzinnia,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2016)
In this paper, a new topology for Interline Dynamic Voltage Restorer (IDVR) is proposed. This topology contains two direct three-phase converters which have been connected together by a common fictitious dc-link. According to the kind of the disturbances, both of the converters can be employed as a rectifier or inverter. The converters receive the required compensation energy from the gird through the direct link which is provided by the dual-proposed switches. Due to the lack of the huge storage elements, the practical prototype of the proposed topology is more economical in comparison with the traditional structure. Moreover, compensating for long time duration is possible due to the unlimited eternal energy which is provided from the grids. The low volume, cost and weight are the additional features of the proposed topology in comparison with traditional types. This topology is capable to compensate both of the balanced and unbalanced disturbances. Furthermore, restoring the deep sags and power outages will be possible with the support from the other grid. Unlike the conventional topologies, the capability of compensation is independent from the power flow and the power factor of each grid. The performance of the proposed IDVR topology is validated by computer simulation with PSCAD/EMTDC software.
M. Mollanezhad Heydarabadi, A. Akbari Foroud,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2016)
Current inversion condition leads to incorrect operation of current based directional relay in power system with series compensated device. Application of the intelligent system for fault direction classification has been suggested in this paper. A new current directional protection scheme based on intelligent classifier is proposed for the series compensated line. The proposed classifier uses only half cycle of pre-fault and post fault current samples at relay location to feed the classifier. A lot of forward and backward fault simulations under different system conditions upon a transmission line with a fixed series capacitor are carried out using PSCAD/EMTDC software. The applicability of decision tree (DT), probabilistic neural network (PNN) and support vector machine (SVM) are investigated using simulated data under different system conditions. The performance comparison of the classifiers indicates that the SVM is a best suitable classifier for fault direction discriminating. The backward faults can be accurately distinguished from forward faults even under current inversion without require to detect of the current inversion condition.
H. Shayeghi, A. Ghasemi,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2016)
Microgrids is an new opportunity to reduce the total costs of power generation and supply the energy demands through small-scale power plants such as wind sources, photo voltaic panels, battery banks, fuel cells, etc. Like any power system in micro grid (MG), an unexpected faults or load shifting leads to frequency oscillations. Hence, this paper employs an adaptive fuzzy P-PID controller for frequency control of microgrid and a modified multi objective Chaotic Gravitational Search Algorithm (CGSA) in order to find out the optimal setting parameters of the proposed controller. To provide a robust controller design, two non-commensurable objective functions are formulated based on eigenvalues-domain and time-domain and multi objective CGSA algorithm is used to solve them. Moreover, a fuzzy decision method is applied to extract the best and optimal Pareto fronts. The proposed controller is carried out on a MG system under different loading conditions with wind turbine generators, photovoltaic system, flywheel energy, battery storages, diesel generator and electrolyzer. The simulation results revealed that the proposed controller is more stable in comparison with the classical and other types of fuzzy controller.
R. Ghaffarpour, B. Mozafari, A. Ranjbar,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2016)
The continuous spread of distributed energy resources (DERs) such as combined heating and power (CHP), diesel generators, boilers and renewable energy sources provide an effective solution to energy related problems to serve the power and heat demands with minimum cost. Moreover, the DERs may play a significant role for supplying power and heat in rural areas, where grid electricity is not available. Also, some dry areas may face water scarcity and salinity problems. So, one important solution is the use of DERs to drive desalination units in order to solve water scarcity and salinity problems. In this study, the optimal scheduling of DERs and reverse osmosis (RO) desalination unit that feed the required electric, thermal and potable water demands are determined. The present paper describes the operation constraints and cost function of components of the system in detail. Operation constraints of generation units as well as feasible region of operation CHP in dual dependency characteristic are taken into account. To confirm the performance of the proposed model the approach is tested on a realistic remote area over a 24-h period. The results show that the economical scheduling of DERs and desalination units can be obtained using proposed methodology by implementing the proposed formulation.
F. Amini, R. Kazemzadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2017)
Development of distributed generations’ technology, trends in the use of these sources to improve some of the problems such as high losses, low reliability, low power quality and high costs in distributed networks. Choose the correct location to install and proper capacity of these sources, such as important things that must be considered in their use. Since distribution networks are actually unbalanced and asymmetric consumption loads are different, so in this paper with optimal placement and sizing of distributed generation sources that dependent on the load model and type of load connection and the uncertainties which caused by the generated power of wind turbines and solar panels, the positive effects of these sources have been examined on unbalanced distribution network. Hence with linear three-phase unbalanced load flow method and IPSO algorithm, allocation of distributed generation sources in IEEE standard of 37 bus unbalanced network have been done. Obtained results show improvement of voltage profile in each phase and reduction of network power losses and buses’ voltage unbalance factor.
M. Kamali, F. Sheikholeslam, J. Askari,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (6-2017)
In this paper, a robust adaptive actuator failure compensation control scheme is proposed for a class of multi input multi output linear systems with unknown time-varying state delay and in the presence of unknown actuator failures and external disturbance. The adaptive controller structure is designed based on the SPR-Lyapunov approach to achieve the control objective under the specific assumptions and the SDU factorization method of the high frequency gain matrix is employed to drive the suitable form of the error equation. The two component controller structure with an integral term is used in order to compensate the effect of unknown state delay and external disturbance. Using a suitable Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, it is shown that despite existing external disturbance and actuator failures, all closed loop signals are bounded and the plant Output asymptotically tracks the output of a stable reference model. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical results.
M. Samami, H. Yaghobi, M. Niaz Azari,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (6-2017)
This investigation deals with a mathematical model for a distribution transformer including saturation effect. To this end, the equations related to a three phase transformer are specified and the effect of an inter-turn fault is included. Naturally by applying an inter-turn fault the inductance and resistance matrix will change. Thus, unknown quantities of inductances and resistances for completing the matrix are calculated and the inputs, outputs and state variables are specified. All the equations will be rewritten in terms of state variables, subsequently saturation effect is added to the model. Finally the block diagram of the specified model based on the obtained equations are designed and the ultimate model is simulated. The saturation effect, added to the mathematical model and also the variable fault parameters are known as two significant contributions which distinguish this study from other investigations. Various results obtained from the simulation of the final model confirm the changes in the behavior of faulty transformer such as: a large circulating current flowing in the shorted turns, lower impact on terminal voltages and currents, a sudden increase in current flowing in the primary winding, asymmetrical flux distribution and inverse proportion of the fault severity and the limiting resistor.