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Showing 12 results for Synchronous Generator

A. Damaki Aliabad, M. Mirsalim, M. Fazli Aghdaei,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2010)

The air-gap of electrical machines may become non-uniform due to low accuracy of the manufacturing machinery, in assembling processes, or by aging. Detection and monitoring of this phenomenon is very important and of interest. There are several methods to model non-uniform air-gaps and to detect them by monitoring systems. One of the most widely used methods is by the analysis of the line currents. In this paper a new, simple and comprehensive method is presented to model and detect non-uniform air-gaps in synchronous generators with skewed rotors. The influence of non-uniform air-gaps on the harmonics of the induced voltage of the stator is investigated by the proposed method. Simulations are performed for three cases: uniform air-gap, static rotor eccentricity, and stator ovality in a two phase generator. The experimental results are also presented. The good correspondence between the simulation and the experimental results clearly validates the theoretical findings put forward in this paper.
H. Yaghobi, K. Ansari, H. Rajabi Mashhadi,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2011)

A reliable and accurate diagnosis of inter-turn short circuit faults is a challenging problem in the area of fault diagnosis of electrical machines. The purpose of this challenge is to be more efficient in fault detection and to provide a reliable method with low-cost sensors and simple numerical algorithms which not only detect the occurrence of the fault, but also locate its position in the winding. Hence, this paper presents a novel method for diagnosis of different kinds of inter-turn winding faults in a salient-pole synchronous generator using the change in the magnetic flux linkage. It describes the influence of inter-turn winding faults on the magnetic flux linkage distribution of the generator. The main feature of the proposed method is its capability to identify the faulty coils under two types of inter-turn winding faults. Also, simple algorithm, low cost sensor and sensitivity are the other feature in the proposed technique. In this method, generator air gap flux linkage is measured via search coils sensor installed under the stator wedges. Theoretical approach based on Finite Element Method (FEM) together with experimental results derived from a 4-pole, 380U, 1500 rpm, 50 Hz, 50 KVA, 3-phase salient-pole synchronous generator confirm the validity of the proposed method.
A. Darijani, A. Kiyoumarsi, H. A. Lari, B. Mirzaeian Dehkordi, Sh. Bekhrad, S. Rahimi Monjezi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2015)

Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generators (PMSGs) exhibit high efficiency and power density, and have already been employed in gearless wind turbines. In the gearless wind turbines, due to the removal of the gearbox, the cogging torque is an important issue. Therefore, in this paper, at first, design of a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generator for a 2MW gearless horizontal-axis wind turbine, according to torque-speed and capability curves, is presented. For estimation of cogging torque in PMSGs, an analytical method is used. Performance and accuracy of this method is compared with the results of Finite Element Method (FEM). Considering the effect of dominant design parameters, cogging torque is efficiently reduced.
M. Alizadeh Moghadam, R. Noroozian, S. Jalilzadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2015)

This paper presents modeling, simulation and control of matrix converter (MC) for variable speed wind turbine (VSWT) system including permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). At a given wind velocity, the power available from a wind turbine is a function of its shaft speed. In order to track maximum power, the MC adjusts the PMSG shaft speed.The proposed control system allowing independent control maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of generator side and regulate reactive power of grid side for the operation of the VSWT system. The MPPT is implemented by a new control system. This control system is based on control of zero d-axis current (ZDC). The ZDC control can be realized by transfer the three-phase stator current in the stationary reference frame into d-and q-axis components in the synchronous reference frame. Also this paper is presented, a novel control strategy to regulate the reactive power supplied by a variable speed wind energy conversion system. This control strategy is based on voltage oriented control (VOC). The simulation results based on Simulink/Matlab software show that the controllers can extract maximum power and regulate reactive power under varying wind velocities.


H. Yaghobi, H. Kafash Haghparast,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Synchronous generators are of two type’s salient pole type and round rotor type. The load angle curve of a cylindrical rotor synchronous machine comprises a single sine term only while in salient pole synchronous generators, power-angle characteristic has two terms. The first term is the fundamental component due to field excitation (the same as the cylindrical rotor) and the second term includes the effect of salient pole. In fact, this term is the second harmonic component due to reluctance torque. This paper presents a study on the new design of cylindrical solid rotor synchronous generator. In this new design, rotor of the machine is designed in such a way that the required inductance values are reached to produce reluctance torque, besides electromagnetic torque due to field excitation. In this contribution, a combination of two different ferromagnetic materials is considered in the design of the rotor. In this theory, the tight connection between the different materials is very important from a mechanical point of view. In other words, this new idea and production principal has potential in some areas after some further research and engineering. But this paper is focused on magnetic flux-carrying materials and presents a study of the new design of cylindrical solid rotor synchronous generator (NCG). Then a comparative analysis was made between this new (NCG) and conventional cylindrical solid rotor synchronous generator (CCG) and the effectiveness of the new cylindrical solid rotor from a magnetic point of view is demonstrated. In this paper, mechanical and thermal aspects of design such as vibration did not analyze.


M. E. Moazzen, S. A. Gholamian, M. Jafari-Nokandi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) have a huge potential for direct-drive wind power applications. Therefore, optimal design of these generators is necessary to maximize their efficiency and to reduce their manufacturing cost and total volume. In this paper, an optimal design of a six-phase 3.5 KW direct-drive PMSG to generate electricity for domestic needs is performed. The aim of optimal design is to reduce the manufacturing cost, losses and total volume of PMSG. To find the best design, single/multi-objective design optimization is carried out. Cuckoo optimization algorithm (COA) is adopted to solve the optimization problem. Comparison between the results of the single-objective and multi-objective models shows that simultaneous optimization of manufacturing cost, losses and total volume leads to more suitable design for PMSG. Finally, finite-element method (FEM) is employed to validate the optimal design, which show a good agreement between the theoretical work and simulation results.

S. Heshmatian, D. Arab Khaburi, M. Khosravi, A. Kazemi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2018)

Wind energy is one of the most promising renewable energy resources. Due to instantaneous variations of the wind speed, an appropriate Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) method is necessary for maximizing the captured energy from the wind at different speeds. The most commonly used MPPT algorithms are Tip Speed Ratio (TSR), Power Signal Feedback (PSF), Optimal Torque Control (OTC) and Hill Climbing Search (HCS). Each of these algorithms has some advantages and also some major drawbacks. In this paper, a novel hybrid MPPT algorithm is proposed which modifies the conventional methods in a way that eliminates their drawbacks and yields an improved performance. This proposed algorithm is faster in tracking the maximum power point and provides a more accurate response with lower steady state error. Moreover, it presents a great performance under conditions with intensive wind speed variations. The studied Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) consists of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) connected to the dc link through a Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) rectifier. The proposed algorithm and the conventional methods are applied to this WECS and their performances are compared using the simulation results. These results approve the satisfactory performance of the proposed algorithm and its notable advantages over the conventional methods.

E. Bounadja, Z. Boudjema, A. Djahbar,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (9-2019)

This paper proposes a novel wind energy conversion system based on a Five-phase Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Generator (5-PMSG) and a Five to three Matrix Converter (5-3MC). The low cost and volume and also eliminating grid side converter controller are attractive aspects of the proposed topology compared to the conventional with back-to-back converters. The control of active and reactive power injected to the grid from the proposed system is carried out by a Direct Power Control (DPC) combined with a Space Vector Modulation (SVM). An advantage of this control, compared with the Conventional Direct Power Control (C-DPC) method, is that it eliminates the lookup table and lowers grid powers and currents harmonics through the use of a standard PI controller instead of hysteresis comparators. The efficiency of proposed whole system has been simulated by using MATLAB/Simulink environment.

S. R. Hosseini, M. Karrari, H. Askarian Abyaneh,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (12-2019)

This paper presents a novel impedance-based approach for out-of-step (OOS) protection of a synchronous generator. The most popular and commonly used approaches for detecting OOS conditions are based on the measurement of positive sequence impedance at relay location. However, FACTS devices change the measured impedance value and thus disrupt the performance of impedance-based relay function. In this paper, the performance of synchronous generator OOS protection function connected to the transmission line in the presence of a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is investigated. Moreover, an analytical adaptive approach is used to eliminate the effect of STATCOM. This approach requires only the remote bus voltage and current phasors to be sent to the relay location via a communication channel. Simulation results show that STATCOM changes impedance trajectory and causes the incorrect operation of OOS relay. Furthermore, the proposed approach corrects the relay mal-operation and improves the accuracy of OOS impedance-based function when the STATCOM is used in the system.​

S. M. Hoseini, N. Vasegh, A. Zangeneh,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (6-2020)

In this paper, a robust local controller has been designed to balance the power for distributed energy resources (DERs) in an islanded microgrid. Three different DER types are considered in this study; photovoltaic systems, battery energy storage systems, and synchronous generators. Since DER dynamics are nonlinear and uncertain, which may destabilize the power system or decrease the performance, distributed robust nonlinear controllers are designed for the DERs. They are based on the Lyapunov stabilization theory and super-twisting integral sliding mode control which guarantees system stability and optimality simultaneously. The reference signals for each DER are generated by a supervisory controller as a power management system. The controllers proposed in this work are robust, have fast response times, and most importantly, the control signals satisfy physical system constraints. The designed controller stability and effectiveness are also verified using numerical simulations.

S. R. Hosseini, M. Karrari, H. Askarian Abyaneh,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2021)

In this paper, a novel approach based on the Thévenin tracing is presented to modified conventional impedance-based out-of-step (OOS) protection. In conventional approach, the OOS detection is done by measuring positive sequence impedance. However, the measured impedance may be change due to different factors such as capacitor bank switching and reactive power compensators that it can cause the relay to malfunction. In this paper, first, an on-line Thévenin equivalent (TE) approach based on the recursive least square (RLS) is presented. Then, a protection function is developed based on online network Thévenin equivalent parameters to correct the measured impedance path. The main feature of this method is the use of local voltage and current measurements for Thévenin equivalent estimation and OOS protection. The performance of the proposed method is investigated by simulation of synchronous generator OOS protection function in the presence of a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM). The simulation results show that, STATCOM changes the impedance path and can cause the incorrect diagnosis of OOS relay. Furthermore, the proposed method corrects the impedance path and improves the accuracy of OOS impedance-based function when the STATCOM is installed in system.

B. Mamipour Matanag, N. Rostami, S. Tohidi,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2021)

This paper proposes a new method for direct control of active power and stator flux of permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) used in the wind power generation system. Active power and stator flux are controlled by the proposed discrete time algorithm. Despite the commonly used vector control methods, there is no need for inner current control loops. To decrease the errors between reference and measured values of active power and stator flux, the space vector modulation (SVM) is used, which results in a constant switching frequency. Compared to vector control, the proposed direct control method has advantages such as higher dynamic response due to elimination of inner current control loops and no need to coordinate system transformation blocks as well as the PI controllers and their adjustment. Moreover, permanent magnet flux vector and several machine parameters such as stator inductances are not required which can improve the robustness of the control system. The proposed method can be used in both types of surface-mounted and interior PMSGs. The effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison to the vector control method with optimized PI coefficients by the particle swarm algorithm is evaluated. Simulation results performed in MATLAB/Simulink software show that higher dynamic response with lower active power and the stator flux ripple are achieved with the proposed method.

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