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Showing 1 results for Tda-Ml

M. Dodangeh, N. Ghaffarzadeh,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (12-2022)

An intelligent strategy for the protection of AC microgrids is presented in this paper. This method was halving to an initial signal processing step and a machine learning-based forecasting step. The initial stage investigates currents and voltages with a window-based approach based on the dynamic decomposition method (DDM) and then involves the norms of the signals to the resultant DDM data. The results of the currents and voltages norms are applied as features for a topology data analysis algorithm for fault type classifying in the AC microgrid for fault location purposes. The Algorithm was tested on a microgrid that operates with precision equal to 100% in fault classification and a mean error lower than 20 m when forecasting the fault location. The proposed method robustly operates in sampling frequency, fault resistance variation, and noisy and high impedance fault conditions.

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