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Showing 1 results for Vco

Khodabandehloo, Mirzakuchaki, Karimi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2006)

The mixed-signal circuits with both analog and digital blocks on a single chip have wide applications in communication and RF circuits. Integrating these two blocks can cause serious problems especially in applications requiring fast digital circuits and high performance analog blocks. Fast switching in digital blocks generates a noise which can be introduced to analog circuits by the common substrate. This noise can decrease the performance of mixed-signal circuits therefore, studying this noise and the way it is transmitted will lead to solutions for reducing it and improving mixed-signal circuit’s performance. In this paper, an efficient model for substrate is extracted from Green’s function in MATLAB environment, and its accuracy is demonstrated. Using a VCO and a multiplier as analog and digital blocks, respectively and simulating them along with the proposed model of the substrate, the effects of substrate noise coupled to analog blocks are shown. Finally, some methods for reducing this noise are applied to the circuit, and the results are compared to each other. The results indicate that using P+ Guard Rings is the best method for reducing substrate noise in the mixed-signal circuits.

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