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Showing 2 results for Ground Penetrating Radar (gpr)

A. Chaabane, M. Guerroui,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (12-2021)

A new design of a Coplanar Waveguide-Fed (CPW) Ultra Wideband (UWB) Rhombus-shaped antenna for Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) applications is designed and discussed in this work. The antenna has a simple design which is composed by a rhombus-shaped patch and a modified ground plane. The working bandwidth is improved by removing the metal from the upper part of the ground plane surrounding the patch and by introducing a corrugation geometry in the ground plane. The proposed antenna was designed on a low-cost FR4-substrate having a compact size of 0.2721λ0×0.2093λ0×0.0157λ0 at 3.14 GHz. All the simulations were carried out by using the commercially software CST Microwave StudioTM. The simulated results show that the designed antenna covers an UWB extending from 3.14 GHz to 13.82 GHz (125.94%) and indicate excellent radiation performances throughout the operating bandwidth. The measured bandwidth is nearly extending between 3.95 GHz and 13.92 GHz (111.58%). Besides, the antenna bandwidth response was checked in close proximity to a mass of Concrete. The obtained results are satisfactory and assure the efficiency of the designed antenna to work as a GPR antenna.

Nurul Syahirah Mohd Ideris, Hasimah Ali, Mohd Shuhanaz Zanar Azalan, Tengku Sarah Tengku Amran,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (6-2025)

GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) is well-known as an effective non-invasive imaging approach for shallow nature underground discovery, like finding and locating submerged objects. Although GPR has achieved some success, it is difficult to automatically process GPR images because human experts must interpret GPR images of buried objects. This can happen due to the possibility of a variety of mediums or underground noises from the environment, especially rocks and roots of trees. Thus, detecting hyperbolic echo characteristics is critical. As a result, Viola Jones detection is used to determine whether the presence of a hyperbolic signature underground indicates a pipe or not. GPR can also be used in the public works department because it is a non-destructive tool. Workers, for example, should be aware of the pipe size that must be replaced when it leaks. The original GPR image already shows hyperbolic image distortion due to pipe refraction. The current method is unreliable due to its lack of flexibility. As a result, there is another method for resolving this issue. Thus, the image will be pre-processed to eliminate or reduce background noise in the GPR input image. The results of this project demonstrate that the Viola Jones algorithm can accurately detect hyperbolic patterns in GPR images.

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