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Showing 4 results for Random Forest

M. Farshad, J. Sadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2013)

In this paper, an approach is proposed for accurate locating of single phase faults in transmission lines using voltage signals measured at one-end. In this method, harmonic components of the voltage signals are extracted through Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and are normalized by a transformation. The proposed fault locator, which is designed based on Random Forests (RF) algorithm, is trained based on these normalized harmonic components. RF algorithm has the capability of learning patterns with a large number of features. The proposed approach only requires voltage signals measured at one-end hence, there are not problems of transmitting and synchronization of two-end data. In addition, current measurement is not required and the proposed approach is sheltered against current transformer errors and its saturation. No need for very high sampling frequency is another advantage of the proposed approach. Numerous tests carried out on a sample system indicate that accuracy of the proposed fault locator is secure against changing fault location, fault inception angle, fault resistance, and magnitude and direction of pre-fault load current. An average of 0.11% is obtained for the fault locating test errors.
Jayati Vaish, Anil Kumar Tiwari, Seethalekshmi K.,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (12-2023)

In recent years, Microgrids in integration with Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) are playing as one of the key models for resolving the current energy problem by offering sustainable and clean electricity. Selecting the best DER cost and corresponding energy storage size is essential for the reliable, cost-effective, and efficient operation of the electric power system. In this paper, the real-time load data of Bengaluru city (Karnataka, India) for different seasons is taken for optimization of a grid-connected DERs-based Microgrid system. This paper presents an optimal sizing of the battery, minimum operating cost and, reduction in battery charging cost to meet the overall load demand. The optimization and analysis are done using meta-heuristic, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Ensemble Learning-based techniques such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and Random Forest (RF) model for different seasons i.e., winter, spring & autumn, summer and monsoon considering three different cases. The outcome shows that the ensemble learning-based Random Forest (RF) model gives maximum savings as compared to other optimization techniques.

Biswapriyo Sen, Maharishi Kashyap, Jitendra Singh Tamang, Sital Sharma, Rijhi Dey,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (6-2024)

Cardiovascular arrhythmia is indeed one of the most prevalent cardiac issues globally. In this paper, the primary objective was to develop and evaluate an automated classification system. This system utilizes a comprehensive database of electro- cardiogram (ECG) data, with a particular focus on improving the detection of minority arrhythmia classes.
In this study, the focus was on investigating the performance of three different supervised machine learning models in the context of arrhythmia detection. These models included Support Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic Regression (LR) and Random Forest (RF). An analysis was conducted using real inter-patient electrocardiogram (ECG) records, which is a more realistic scenario in a clinical environment where ECG data comes from various patients.
The study evaluated the models’ performances based on four important metrics: accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score. After thorough experimentation, the results highlighted that the Random Forest (RF) classifier outperformed the other methods in all of the metrics used in the experiments. This classifier achieved an impressive accuracy of 0.94, indicating its effectiveness in accurately detecting arrhythmia in diverse ECG signals collected from different patients.
Sandra D’souza, Niranjan Reddy S, Saikonda Krishna Tarun, Sohan P, Aneesha Acharya K,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (11-2024)

The incidence of heart-related illnesses is on the rise worldwide. Heart diseases are primarily caused by a multitude of parameters, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and excessive cholesterol, which are controlled by poor dietary and lifestyle choices. The growth in cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is mostly due to several other behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, and sleeplessness. In the research, machine learning-based prediction methods work on the audio recordings of heartbeats known as phonocardiograms (PCG) to develop an algorithm that differentiates a normal healthy heart from an abnormal heart based on the heart sounds. The data set consists of 831 normal and 260 abnormal data, and the duration of each sample is 5 seconds. Features extracted from the data are up-sampled and applied to the logistic regression and random forest classification models. The developed models record a classification accuracy of 71% for logistic regression and 94% for the random forest model. Further, artificial neural networks (ANN) and Deep learning networks have been trained to improve performance and demonstrated an accuracy of 94.5%.

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