Volume 8, Issue 4 (winter 2020 2021)                   JRIA 2021, 8(4): 101-111 | Back to browse issues page

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Shidaneh Morid M, Khameh M. Comparative comparison of architecture patterns of Iranian and Turkish mosques turning to the ottoman era. JRIA 2021; 8 (4) :101-111
URL: http://jria.iust.ac.ir/article-1-1396-en.html
Abstract:   (17396 Views)
In the far pasts, Turkey was one of the countries with diverse civilizations. It has been rich and affected by Byzantine architecture of the architectural view point. The entry of Islam into Turkey and the formation of Islamic governments during the Ottoman era led to the formation of a particular type of Islamic architecture in Turkey. The architecture of Turkey mosques is one of the most prominent Islamic architectures, especially in Istanbul. This research is based on the assumption that the architectural pattern of Turkey mosques is a combination of the early Islamic, Iranian and Turkey native mosques architecture. The rooting the architecture features of Turkey mosques are the subject of this study that it is addressed the influencing the Turkey mosques architecture on the early Islamic mosques the architecture, a rich architecture with a long Byzantine and Greek before entry the Islam and the advanced Islamic civilizations architecture in the neighboring Turkey, such as Iran.
The architectural features of the Turkey mosques generally include the naves in facing  to the Quibble, the presence of the mosque in the neighborhood, the entrance of the courtyard to the house dome on the direct axis, the coordination of the geometry of the columns with geometry of the plan and the organization of the spaces in the direction of the Quibble, dividing into naves efficient space with a human scale, the use of the light element under the house dome and the creation of spiritual space, the enormous half domes that strengthen the main dome, external image formed by multiple domes, pencil-shaped structures, Byzantine domes, use The geometric floriated and calligraphy on the stone are the porticos for threshold and naves entrances. The rooting above architectural features of this research is leaded to the discovery the architectural pattern of Turkey mosques. This research is conducted using library research method and texts review and analytical-description model.
In the mosques of Turkey, there is two vital factors of architecture, namely light and space, and their effect on each other and the central dome such as vast shadowing or baldachin on four huge stones, and two concha’s domes surrounded by it, and windows located at the base of the central dome to cause enter the light rays to the building, creating a spiritual atmosphere and cause think that it's suspended in the air and does not rely on place. The light in the Turkey mosques has caused the material and spiritual world supernatural link together. the light shine in the space is prevented the attention to the detail of spectator, and this rotatory motion is invoked the eternity of a component to other one.
Architectural features of Turkey and Ottoman mosques are dome-shaped nave, cylindrical and conical minaret, carvings and engraving as embellishment, decorations of the entrance facade at veranda and portico roof adytum and open spaces scene with triple porticos adjunct to the nave.
Emphasis on the imitation of the Arabic style with the Iranian manner and style in Turkey mosques, Iran for threshold and the ultimate entrance the nave to mosque, and the emphasis on dome-shaped space has been preferred to covered mosque without the courtyard due to Turkey climate. Applying the dome-shaped forms has Anatolian root. The use of geometric motifs, floriated and calligraphy on the stone was influenced by Byzantine art. In Turkey mosques, there was a hierarchy of entrance to the courtyard and its surrounding porticos, and sometimes outside the mosque courtyard and direct entrance into the nave. In Turkey mosques has integrated the dome space and the nave and is created four column nave that dome is located in the center and above of the mosque. In fact, the architectural change of Turkey mosques was an ancie archy of entrance to the courtyard and its surrounding porticos, and sometimes outside the mosque courtyard and direct entrance into the nave. In Turkey mosques has integrated the dome space and the nave and is created four column nave that dome is located in the center and above of the mosque. In fact, the architectural change of Turkey mosques was an ancient background in its architecture that has the Greek and Byzantine background on the one hand and the effects of Achamenian and Sassanid Iran on the other hand, and Islamic concepts with the background of the minority Asia of this land eventually established the Ottoman period and can be said that the Turkey mosques architecture is also due to the geographical location of Iran's style.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Subject- oriented researches in Islamic architecture and urbanism, eg. Spatial-geometrical ideas, symbols and ornaments
Received: 2020/12/4 | Accepted: 2021/02/28 | Published: 2021/02/28

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