Volume 11, Issue 1 (March 2015)                   IJEEE 2015, 11(1): 79-86 | Back to browse issues page

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Mokhtari K, Mirzaie M, Shahabi M. Leakage Current Analysis of Polymer and Porcelain Housed Metal Oxide Surge Arresters in Humid Ambient Conditions. IJEEE 2015; 11 (1) :79-86
URL: http://ijeee.iust.ac.ir/article-1-694-en.html
Abstract:   (6111 Views)
This paper aims to measure and analyze of the leakage current of 20 kV polymer and porcelain metal oxide surge arresters under humid ambient conditions by applying different voltages to the arresters terminal. The characteristics of the leakage currents at that stage have been investigated when changes in the ambient humidity were introduced in an artificial fog chamber. It is assumed that magnitude of the noise level during the tests is constant. The frequency and resistive component peak efficient analysis can then be done on the leakage current signal. The idea behind this is to get indicators for investigating of surge arrester behavior in humid conditions. Two important indicators were obtained to evaluate the behavior of the surge arrester in humid conditions
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: High Voltage Engineering
Received: 2014/05/04 | Revised: 2015/03/16 | Accepted: 2015/03/16

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